Why is India the Centre of Global IT Services?

Tech Blog July 16, 2024

India has become a major hub for IT and software development services in recent years. With a huge pool of skilled technical talent and lower wages compared to Western countries, many companies are looking to outsource or offshore development work to India.

In the current highly competitive world market, companies in the USA’s technology sector are always on the lookout for strategies to sustain such an advantage. Among the many measures that have been implemented, it has been proven that one of the most successful is the use of excess human resources in India. Through outsourcing IT services to India, these companies can cut down on costs immensely, gain access to a large pool of talent, and, most importantly, be assured of quality work. This is why India has become a hub for IT services and how organisations can achieve the most from it.

Enhance Team Morale and Collaboration

Snapshot of India’s IT Services Growth and its impact on US companies

India’s IT services industry has grown a lot in the past few years. In 2023, it made over $227 billion, which is a big increase from $194 billion in 2020. This growth helps many businesses in the USA. About 75% of US companies use IT services from India, saving them a lot of money. This allows these companies to invest more in other areas, creating better products and services. Because of India’s skilled IT workers, US companies can complete projects faster and more efficiently. This partnership makes the US economy stronger and more competitive in the global market.

India's IT Services Growth and its impact on US companies

India’s reputation for delivering quality IT services is recognised globally. Many Fortune 500 companies, including IBM, Microsoft, and Google, have substantial operations in India. These companies rely on Indian expertise for crucial aspects of their business operations. For instance, IBM saves around $100 million annually by outsourcing to India, while Microsoft benefits from a 50% reduction in development costs. Additionally, India’s IT sector helps US companies stay innovative, with 60% of new tech solutions coming from Indian teams. This collaboration boosts productivity and fosters innovation, making US businesses more resilient and successful.

India’s workers are expected to solve really hard problems and handle digital tasks for big companies all around the world. This will help India change from just doing technology support work to being a mix of workers helping the world’s largest companies with their digital needs. With so many people ready to work, India is moving closer to becoming the top place for technology talent.

India also has the chance to become the world’s leader in robotics and AI, with robots and engineers working together around the clock. Besides helping businesses run smoothly, Indian and global IT services will use India’s talent for higher-level services like consulting, designing experiences, full-stack digital engineering, product development, and creating new business processes.

India could become a major player in creating platforms and products. Indian IT services are using new platforms, and the B2B Software as a Service (SaaS) ecosystem in India has developed a unique approach. We are already seeing the impact – the first billion-dollar product company from India has appeared, and there are over 20 Indian B2B SaaS unicorns. This is building a strong environment for very large companies to grow in the next twenty years.

Key Points that Summarise Why Indian Software Developers Lead the Global IT Services

1. Popular Place for Tech Work: In 2022, a report by Deloitte found that many people prefer to send their tech work to India more than any other place.

2. Growing Tech Scene: India’s tech scene is growing really fast. Big tech companies have their research centres there, and it’s the fourth best in the world for starting new tech companies.

3. Government Help: The Indian government supports tech growth with programs like Startup India and the India AI Programme, aiming to make the country’s digital economy worth a trillion dollars by 2026.

4. Cost-Effective Engineers: Indian software engineers are a great deal, earning about half as much as engineers in the West. They are skilled in AI, machine learning, and Big Data.

5. Dedicated Developers: Indian developers are very hardworking and never give up easily. The competitive tech cities like Bangalore help create very dedicated professionals.

6. English Proficiency: India is the second-largest English-speaking country, making communication easy for companies outsourcing their software development. This gives Indian engineers an advantage over those from other countries where English isn’t as widely spoken.

7 Competitive Edge of Leveraging Indian Software Developers
Competitive Edge of Leveraging Indian Software Developers

#1 The Cost Efficiency of Outsourcing to Indian Software Developers

The first and possibly the most significant motivation that leads IT organisations in the USA to outsource their services to India is the reduction of costs. This is because the cost of hiring skilled professionals in India is considerably lower than in the USA. This makes it possible for firms to reduce operating costs and produce quality goods and services. Many web development companies and website development companies take advantage of this cost efficiency to offer competitive web development services and website development services.

The cost of hiring a software developer in the country isn’t a fixed sum. It’s influenced by a variety of factors including location experience level and the complexity of the project at hand let’s start with location. India’s Tech hubs such as Bangalore Mumbai and Delhi tend to command higher rates. Why is that so?

These cities are home to a high concentration of tech companies and startups creating a competitive market for skilled developers. This competition drives up salaries which can range from $30,000 to over $60,000 annually.

Next, we have the experience level of the developer as you might expect a seasoned developer with years of experience and a proven track record will cost more than a fresh one. Graduate monthly costs for developers can range from $2500 to upwards of 3500 rupees based on their experience level.
Cost Efficiency of Outsourcing to Indian Software Developers

The third factor is the complexity of the project. More complex projects require more skills and expertise which in turn increases the cost. A developer working on a simple website will not charge as much as one developing a sophisticated software application but there’s more to the cost story offshore hiring in India offers cost advantages. Beyond just salaries companies can potentially save between 10 to 30% or more thanks to lower overhead costs like office space utilities and benefits and let’s not forget about quality hiring from premium providers like TCS can ensure high-quality output but of course, this comes at a higher rate however when executed properly offshore development in India can yield high-quality outcomes making it a compelling option for software projects so to sum it up the cost of hiring.

A software developer in India is influenced by the location. The developer experience level and the complexity of the project offshore hiring can offer significant cost advantages. But it’s crucial to balance these savings with the need for qualified developers when done right offshore development in India can not only save you money but also deliver high-quality software solutions. It’s a balancing act but that could pay off handsomely for your business.

#2 Access to a Vast Talent Pool of software developers

A primary key differentiator favouring outsourcing of web development services to India out of the USA stems mainly from the extensive and increasing talent pool. India is home to one of the largest technically skilled graduate populations every year due to the large young population it has, with an average age of 29 years, and it is the second most populous country in the world. For instance, India has approximately 6,214 institutions specialising in engineering and technology, and more than 2.9 million students are enrolled every year. According to the statistics from the academic year 2022, they have increased, having more than 1.29 million. This steady flow of human resources means that web development companies in India or website development companies are always teeming with new and fresh talents that are technically skilled and abreast with the current and new developments and trends on the technological front.

For USA-based companies, this translates into several crucial advantages. First, it enables an organisation to access a large talent pool of highly qualified workers who can be hired on specific contractual terms. It is very helpful for website development projects, which may sometimes involve specialisation and intricate procedures. Hence, the flexibility of the Indian workforce, where there are always freelancers and people working as gig workers, makes this benefit even more attractive. As per the Niti Aayog report, the gig economy in India is anticipated to increase in a short span of time and is projected to constitute 23%. 5 million workers; if its growth continues to rise in the future, it may have the following effect: Such a liberal workforce market also implies that Indian web development companies can easily adjust their human capital to the particular needs of their clients while working on any particular project, thus being able to complete projects within agreed times and meeting all necessary requirements.

Besides, the Indian tech industry is one of the largest industries that provides employment to more than 5.4 million tech people, with a large chunk focusing on Smart Technologies. It also revealed that this demand is set to grow in the future, as trends show that it will exceed 6 million in 2028. This abundance of skilled and experienced professionals is helpful to USA-based businesses that are seeking web development outsourcing services that are niche-specific in terms of AI, machine learning, blockchain, IoT, and other related disciplines. Thus, US companies can utilise this huge pool of talent to have access to solutions that they can obtain only from a large and highly qualified workforce.

#3 Technological Expertise building the best of global applications


Hiring web development services and website development services from Indian web development firms is beneficial for USA-based firms because it not only provides them with quality work but also sources it at a very economical price. Indian IT professionals are widely known for being professional, highly skilled, and committed to quality. The speciality of the IT-BPM industry in India is the industry that has contributed 7.5% of the country’s GDP in the financial year 2023, which reflects the quality as well as reliability of Indian IT services. At the same time, Indian web development companies maintain compliance with global standards and hold certifications like ISO and CMMI for their services.

When it comes to USA-based competitors, outsourcing costs in India are definitely huge. Some of the major benefits that can be realised out of outsourcing are as follows: Companies are believed to be able to save up to 60% of their total development costs by outsourcing their operations to India. Cost efficiency can be attributed to the lower cost of operations, such as rent, food, and wages, in India compared to Western countries. For instance, in India’s IT services market, the estimated average spend per employee is likely to rise to US$49. This considerable cost saving helps USA manufacturers manage their resources better and direct the cost cuttings into other equally important areas like innovation, product publicity, or expansion.

This revealed that the quality of deliverables from Indian web development companies is not deterred by the relatively lower costs. Indian IT professionals are technically savvy and know how to provide the best solutions. The current scenario in India’s IT industry is more favourable towards digital skills, where digital revenue forms 30% to 32% of the industry revenue. This focus on skills and knowledge guarantees that only Indian web development companies have the skills required to complete high-profile and innovative jobs. Besides, it highlights that India represents 59% of the global sourcing market, which can speak about the confidence that overseas companies have in Indian IT services.

Outsourcing a web development project to Indian companies will be advantageous to USA-based companies because they will receive excellent work that meets their high standards. The extreme standard checks measures like multiple testing and following international standards of quality adopted by the Indian firms make the target product less susceptible to risks, more secure, and user friendly. Having this high level of quality is important to sustain the strategic position of US companies in the global market.

Also, the cost that is saved through outsourcing to India is quite large and can lead to substantial improvement in USA companies’ performances. They can be utilised for other aspects of the business, for example, improving the service delivered to customers, developing new products and services, or procuring new technologies.

Technological Expertise building the best of global applications

The education system in India churns out a huge amount of quality IT talent every year. This involves Engineering, Computer science, and IT graduates, specifically from IIT, NIT, and other premier institutes. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education in the country guarantees that the workforce is skilled in a broad spectrum of technologies. As per the India Skills Report 2023, there is a rise in the employability of talent in India, up from 46%. About 2% of the total workers in India fall under the category of skilled workers, as per the Human Development Report 2020. India alone will add over 12 million youths in the 15 to 29 years working age group every year for the next twenty years. According to the government’s latest Skill Gap Analysis, to meet the demand by 2022, 24 sectors of the economy will require an additional 109 million skilled workers.

Employers are able to draw from a large talent pool and obtain professionals who are capable of handling difficult tasks. A qualified workforce means that companies are able to engage in complex projects that demand technical skills. Web development companies and website development companies benefit immensely from this skilled workforce, ensuring the provision of exceptional web development services and website development services.

#4 Time Zone Advantage

Another factor is the time zone disparity between India and North American and European areas, which helps to get an advantage. It also results in a twenty-four-hour working day, as seen in the instance where Indian teams can work on the project after the client organisation has left for the day. This helps to have short durations and works on projects accomplishing the projected schedules. According to a research paper conducted by the National Physical Laboratory, there is evidence that the introduction of two time zones could save up to 20 million kWh of energy in India annually.

Some potential benefits with the usage of this concept include better control of project timelines hence faster project completion and constant flow of work resulting in increased productivity. Web development companies and website development companies benefit from this time zone advantage, providing timely web development services and website development services to global clients.

#5 Government Support

There is a lot of policy support from the Indian government to support the IT sector. Some of the policy reforms include tax exemptions, promotion of SEZs and facilitation of a ‘business-friendly environment’. These policies help in establishing a conducive regional atmosphere in which domestic and foreign IT companies can operate. India wants to expand the ICT sector to $ 1 trillion by 2025, or, respectively, 20% of the expected GDP.

Small businesses receive adequate support from the business environment that in turn minimises risk factors that might affect their functioning. Web development companies and website development companies benefit from this government support, enhancing their ability to offer high-quality web development services and website development services.

How Companies are Leveraging Indian Talent?

How Companies are Leveraging Indian Talent

1.   Setting Up Offices in India

Global companies like Google and Microsoft have been leveraging Indian skills to beat the competition and ship products faster. By opening offices in India, they tap into the country’s vast pool of talented workers. India boasts many skilled professionals in software development, engineering, and customer service. Setting up offices here allows companies to work directly with these experts, which helps them save money, as hiring costs in India are often lower. Additionally, having an office in India puts companies closer to a growing market, making it easier to understand and serve local customers efficiently. This strategy has been key to their success for years.


  • Authority over the day-to-day running of the business as well as the general management of the company.
  • Opportunity to establish a coherent team that shares the values of the organisation and is ready to change.
  • More access to local resources and infrastructures.


  • High initial costs; these include accommodation costs, cost of land, building structures, legal charges among others.
  • Three possible difficulties of managing such a team are cross-cultural focus and remote staff organisation.
  • Demand more time and dedication to build and expand a business.

Having offices in India entails such factors as infrastructural investments, property, and legal requirements. They are required to understand the legal and regulatory requirements of the environment in which they are to operate, search for suitable office space, and set up IT infrastructure. This approach offers exact control over the team and guarantees the corresponding behaviour and adherence to the organisational culture and goals. It also consumes a lot of time and resources to establish and spearhead the process.

Example: Microsoft has established several development centres across its Indian subsidiary, enabling the company to draw on the local talent base to work on different worldwide projects. These centres are strategic in the overall operation of Microsoft Company and are involved in production, support and new product research.

2.   Hiring Remote Developers

By hiring remotely, companies can access this talent without needing to set up a physical office. This approach helps companies save money on office space and other overhead costs. Additionally, remote work allows for greater flexibility and faster project turnaround times. By leveraging remote Indian developers, companies can build and ship high-quality products more quickly and efficiently, giving them a significant edge over their competitors.


  • Ability to expand or shrink the number of team members for a project depending on the volume of work.
  • Benefits include reduced costs of establishing a physical office compared to a virtual one.
  • The ability to pull from a global talent pool meaning that employers can find the candidate that is most suited for the job.


  • Specific issues regarding the effectiveness of communication and cooperation that may arise from time zone differences and the nature of remote work.
  • Some of the possible problems to be faced with regard to quality control and accountability.
  • Challenges in the implementation of remote developers, especially in ensuring they adhere to organisational culture and practices.

Remote developers are proven to be beneficial for companies as they can have talented employees in India without necessarily requiring physical space. It also means that the team can be scaled at will and that overhead costs, such as infrastructure for office space, are eliminated. However, timely and effective communication and coordination are the challenges that should be overcome while working with remote teams in order to align the work with the goals of the project.

Example: Most international startups and SMEs love to hire remote developers from India for their web development services. Companies like Upwork and Toptal are used to source talented developers from all over the world who can work on a freelance basis.

3.   Hiring a software developement Agency

Indian agencies are renowned for their expertise in software development, engineering, and IT services. By partnering with these agencies, companies can access a wide range of skilled professionals without the need to hire in-house teams. This not only saves money but also allows companies to scale their projects quickly. Indian software development agencies offer high-quality services at competitive rates, ensuring faster project completion and innovation. Leveraging these agencies helps global companies maintain their edge in the market and bring their products to life efficiently.


  • Through outsourcing, agencies bring together experienced personnel who have been vetted on their performance.
  • They take care of all administrative and logistics, hence freeing up organisational time that requires specific attention.
  • Primarily, agencies usually have vast knowledge in terms of technologies and industries which they come across regularly making them invaluable resources.


  • High cost than directly employing separate remote developers.
  • Possible issues for the protection of intellectual property and confidential information.
  • The company could have less direct authority over the project and its team.

Hiring an agency seems to avail the advantages of a good workforce, reasonable charges and advanced technological support services. Indeed, agencies have certain procedures, paradigms, and a portfolio of successful projects in their portfolio. They perform all the clerical and operational tasks which enables organisations to concentrate on their central operations.

Example: Ateam Soft Solutions is one of the prominent IT services agencies in India which provide web development services. It offers a team of developers that will be devoted to the client to come up with unique solutions.

7 Reasons Why Hiring an Agency is the Best Way to Get Access to Indian Software Developers

Looking at the offshore software development services delivered by India, one can easily predict the future of web development projects at USA based IT firms. It also enables them to attain the same level of quality and fellowship, a higher value but also efficiency as well. Outsourcing with an agency covers many factors, which include having professional staff, low tender price, and technology use, providing the chance of an extensive IT service offer. Web development companies and website development companies in India provide complete Web development services and website development services from their talented staff.

In most cases agencies operate with the organisation methodologies that ensure their work is as professional as possible and therefore the quality of delivered work is good. It also means that it is possible to hire them in small or large quantities depending on the projected tasks at hand. Also, the agencies always have prior experience of working with an international client, and so, there will always be no language barrier. This makes web development services and website development services from Indian web development companies and website development companies in high demand.

1.   Thoroughly Vetted and Highly Skilled Software Developers

India has the largest stock of IT professionals, controlling 65% of the outsourcing of IT careers and generating $585.57 billion in market revenue in 2023. These developers are obviously very skilled, have been carefully selected, and are fully aware of the marketplace’s current trends. This is because Indian web development services can provide individuals with accessible talents who have successful job experience. Another crucial factor is the strict screening of the developers in Indian web development companies, and only the most suitable are hired. This encompasses several face-to-face interactions to test the technical skills of the candidates, coding aptitude, and testing their problem-solving skills. The end effect is a Generation Y Workforce that is highly technical but, more importantly, highly flexible, creative, and inventive.


2.   Comprehensive Contracts and Legal Agreements for Your Peace of Mind

Web development legalities: Firstly, when hiring a web development company based in India, the contracts and legal papers offered are complete. These documents help both parties understand the work being done, the time frame, and the fee structure. In particular, it serves as a useful exercise in forming a professional relationship based on a mutual understanding of expectations. They incorporate various facets such as business scope, objectives, project accomplishments, work-distribution schedule, ownership and rights to ideas and concepts to be implemented, nondisclosure agreements, and procedures on how to handle any arising differences. These contracts can be beneficial because they establish expectations in the early stages of the relationship to minimise confusion and favour a smooth transition.

3.   Reliable Project Completion, Ensuring No Half-Finished Projects

Outsourcing is not without drawbacks, and one of the most notable and common problems is the ragged edge. However, web development companies in India have proper structures in place to guarantee deliverables are made within agreed timelines and much to the expectations of the clients. Currently, these companies make use of several project management tools and processes like Agile, Scrum, and Kanban to keep track of progress and manage projects. For effective problem-solving, there must be constant communication between the client and the development team in order to allow for quick problem-solving of any issues arising that may lead to the derailment of the project. Such an approach reduces detrimental chances of project delays since project deliverables are always accurately and timeously produced.


4.   Strict Intellectual Property Rights Protection and Confidentiality through NDAs

Preserving Intellectual Property Rights and ensuring confidentiality are other significant elements of each web development project. Web development companies in India understand this challenge and have policies in place to address it. They usually avoid sharing details about your venture by entering into Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs). These NDAs define the roles of each party insofar as the non-disclosure of information is concerned and also detail penalties in the case of a breach. Moreover, Indian web development companies follow global norms of data protection and data privacy; therefore, your ideas and secrets are protected. This commitment to confidentiality and IP protection is reassuring and frees up a client’s legal time and effort to concentrate on their operational tasks.


5.   Ensuring Quality Assurance for Top-Notch Deliverables

Quality assurance is the most important for web development companies in India. This involves having quality assurance teams that conduct several tests on the software so as to give the client a quality product. Such QA teams use manual and automated testing, performance testing, security testing, and user acceptance testing (UAT). They are able to resolve any challenges that can come up during the development process, thus guaranteeing the final product as being safe and easy to use. This focus on quality assurance enables the provision of excellent web development services that guarantee client satisfaction.

6.   Commitment to Meeting Deadlines and Timely Project Delivery

Most web development companies in India work hard to ensure that the projects are delivered on schedule. They also employ appropriate project management tools and procedures to make sure all activities are done within the agreed time. This includes creating achievable work schedules, tracking and reviewing progress, and making appropriate changes to address discrepancies in the project. Daily and weekly updates, as well as important meeting reviews, ensure that the client remains actively engaged in the process. This commitment to timely delivery makes it possible for the clients to launch their products or services in the market space as intended.

7.   Access to Diverse Technology skills and Extensive Domain Expertise

Various web development companies in India offer exposure to a broad set of technology undertakings and deep domain knowledge. This implies that they take on a broad range of tasks, including simple website development tasks and software development projects. Whether it means front-end technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React or back-end technologies such as Node.js, Python, Ruby on Rails, and Java, Indian developers will be capable of providing quality work as expected. Also, their work for different industries like e-commerce, healthcare, finance, and education helps them in addressing certain business requirements.

10 Reasons Why Top Brands in the USA Hire Ateam Soft Solutions
Why Top Brands in the USA Hire Ateam Soft Solutions

1.   Our Technical Skillset

At Ateam Soft Solutions, our technical exposure and the competency level possessed by the team is very high, so being a leading company in the USA, we have earned the trust of top brands. Our developers are versatile in the scope of the platform, which allows us to work with very challenging and heterogeneous projects. As for the front end, we are masters of HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and the most popular framework nowadays, React.js, which allows you to build versatile and interactive UIs for users that function effectively on various browsers. Our back-end specialty involves Node. js, Javascript/Jquery, Python with Django and Flask, Ruby with Ruby on Rails, Java with Spring Boot, and PHP with Laravel and Symfony. This solid back-end competency enables us to design backend applications that are highly efficient, secure, and elastic.

And, of course, we are also proficient in developing applications for both iOS using Swift and Objective-C and for Android using Kotlin and Java, as well as in developing applications that work on both iOS and Android using Flutter and React Native. Furthermore, we are experienced in state-of-the-art approaches like AI/ML/Blockchain/IoT using TensorFlow/PyTorch/Ethereum/MQTT correspondingly. Our developers use DevOps principles at their workplace with CI/CD tools within Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, and AWS, contributing to the continuous development and optimization. This dedication to developing one’s skills across a vast array of technologies and tools is the ability to create revolutionary, forward-thinking solutions that incorporate the client’s interests and preferences.


2.   We are a US-Based Offshore Development Agency

Ateam Soft Solutions is a company that incorporates a US based offshore development agency for our clients to enable them to enjoy the whole package . This advantageous location offers the pricing advantage and large pool of offshore development in India, while maintaining the stability of a US-based organisation. Therefore, our model is the combination of the technical brilliance of the Indian development centre, which has now become synonymous with technical superiority in terms of infrastructure and technology, and having a US-based management team to keep everyone on the same page.

Leveraging such a structure facilitates time coordination, especially, if the team is composed of workers across the globe, by eradicating time barriers. As a result, the development process can be done on a round-the-clock basis. We follow US business practices and legal guidelines, which include the rules based on the industry type and sub-type, as we have rules followed by industries like health care, financial, and data protection rules like HIPAA, PCI-DSS, and GDPR, respectively. It also helps that our dedicated team is based in the United States, and we can answer any concerns immediately while synching up projects with clients’ objectives. This type of blended model also helps improve our capability to deliver effective web development solutions and website development solutions at low costs and with high quality and standard of work as monitored and set by our clients.

3.   Our Silicon Valley Method Hiring Process

The hiring process that we have at Ateam Soft Solutions is standardised to give the competitive look of Silicon Valley and get the best talents. This is done through a multiple step process where we can identify the right talent that will fit into the company culture, has the technical know-how, and possesses good problem solving skills.

Resume screening is the initial step; while evaluating applicants for the position, we remove all candidates who do not meet the essential requirements, for example, knowledge of certain programming languages, frameworks, or technologies. The shortlisted candidates subsequently go through a series of highly competitive technical interviews and coding tests conducted by our technical team, which includes senior developers and technical interviewers. These assessments are aimed at checking candidates’ ability to solve complex problems like data structures and algorithms, system designing, and their capacity to write maintainable, optimised, and scalable code. We also employ various methods, such as live coding assessments via HackerRank & LeetCode, to maintain a high standard of skills.

Behavioural interviews take place after the technical tests, which allow them to determine candidates’ communication, collaboration, flexibility, and compatibility with our company’s culture. The stage guarantees that candidates perform well in collaborative, fast-paced environments and share organisational values. More so, we also use pair programming and offer problems and challenges that test the applicants in real-life working environments. This detailed Silicon Valley-type screening ensures that our development team is staffed with the best talent available in the market – people who are technically skilled, creative, and have the potential to deliver quality web development services and website development services in line with the world’s best standards.

4. Our developers are committed to your projects and will not leave you halfway into the projects. They are dedicated to seeing your project through to completion, ensuring that you have a consistent team working on your project from start to finish. This means you don’t have to worry about disruptions or delays caused by team changes.

5. We are bound by contracts with our clients to follow agreed-upon guidelines, we offer more dependable services that remote developers do not always offer. These contracts ensure that we meet all your requirements and deadlines, providing a level of reliability and professionalism that can be hard to find with freelance or independent developers.

6. We adhere to the highest intellectual property rights standards to protect your code. We understand how important your intellectual property is, so we follow strict guidelines to make sure your code is secure and protected from any unauthorised use or access.

7. We sign NDAs to ensure that no information is leaked to competitors. Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) are a crucial part of our process to ensure your business secrets and sensitive information are kept confidential, giving you peace of mind that your project details are safe with us.

8. Our developers pass through a standard four-round interview process as required by Silicon Valley. This rigorous interview process ensures that only the most skilled and qualified developers join our team, providing you with top-notch talent that meets the high standards of the tech industry.

9. Our developers are versatile and are able to accommodate your time zones. Whether you’re in the USA, Europe, or any other part of the world, our team can adjust their working hours to match your time zone, ensuring smooth communication and collaboration throughout your project.

10. We follow international coding standards to ensure that the quality and consistency of the code is highly maintained. By adhering to these global standards, we make sure that the code we write is of the highest quality, making it easier to maintain, scale, and integrate with other systems.


India has firmly established itself as the hub for IT services with a plethora of benefits for firms across the globe. The skilled workforce, cost advantages, technological expertise, time zone benefits, and government support offer significant competitive advantages to companies. By leveraging web development services and website development services from Indian web development companies and website development companies, businesses can ensure high-quality outcomes at competitive prices.

Organisations can choose to establish offices in India, hire remote developers, or partner with local agencies. Each of these options has its pros and cons, but hiring an agency like Ateam Soft Solutions helps to eliminate most of the negatives while incorporating all the positives. This ensures high-quality work and effective project management.

We are the best B2B IT services agency in India awarded for the year 2024; our mission at Ateam Soft Solutions is to support our clients to meet their objectives through an IT solution. Please contact us today to speak with one of our staff members about how we may be of service in helping you with your web development or other IT service needs.

Azeez Bijin April 24, 2023