The Top 10 Artificial Intelligence Startups in Australia

Startup September 2, 2024

Australia, a land of diverse geography and rich culture, has gradually transformed into a technologically advanced nation. One of the most important factors for this rise is the plethora of new AI startups that have emerged in recent years. These companies are not only disrupting industries but are also establishing new standards for innovation across the globe. Australia currently hosts 1,493 AI startups, and while the market remains saturated, some have left a lasting mark on the market. This blog explores the top 10 AI startups in Australia, all of which are making their own individual impact in the dynamic technology world.

Criteria for Selection: Why These Startups Stand Out

Choosing the top 10 AI startups in Australia was by no means an easy task. It was not easy to shortlist the companies as there are over 1,500 AI startups in India today. Below is a preview of the strong criteria that have been utilized to justify why these firms should be awarded.

1. Innovation and Technological Advancement

These startups are on the technological frontier, creating new AI applications that expand the frontiers of what is feasible. Whether it is about bringing design to the masses, improving enterprise communication, or changing the way people navigate, innovation is the core of these companies. They are selected because they can bring new ideas and technologies that challenge existing practices and methods.

2. Market Impact and Industry Leadership

The selected startups are not only active participants in the industries that they operate in but also drivers of markets. They are also found to exert market leadership in terms of influencing the market, creating standards, and encouraging growth. For example, Canva and Atlassian have changed industries worldwide and are now important players in the AI market.

3. Scalability and Growth Potential

Another crucial aspect that defines the success of a startup is the issue of scalability. The selected companies have shown growth not only in terms of the number of employees but also in terms of potential future growth. The type of businesses, technologies, and market strategies that they have are made for scale, which allows them to capture market share and dominance at a rapid pace. This is well evidenced by the capital they have been able to mobilize – a factor that tends to point to the level of confidence that investors have in them.

4. Real-World Applications and Problem Solving

These startups are not playing with the concept of technology for its own sake; they are meeting needs. From altering the organizational culture to enhancing safety in transportation, these companies question critical problems with practical AI. This is significant and helpful to them as they work towards creating solutions that leave a clear and tangible impact on the world.

5. Customer-Centric Approach and User Adoption

The success of a startup is mainly determined by its ability to meet the needs of customers. These are some of the most user-friendly and highly effective solutions that the startups on this list have designed with great user empathy. This strategy has earned them a lot of following from the public and business entities that run such establishments.

Impact of the Top 10 AI Startups on Australia’s Tech Landscape


These ten AI startups have impacted the Australian tech landscape significantly. They are not only consumers and users of goods and services but also actors who shape the economy and its development. These achievements have placed Australia as an AI and technological hub in the global market. This has resulted in the capacity to attract talents, investors, and strategic partners; this has boosted the position of the country in the global technology market.

Studies show that these startups do not only impact their own industries but also shift the overall attitude towards AI and technology. From how businesses operate to how people interact with technology, these companies are transforming life and work. They are also building the environment for new start-ups, so they help to preserve the variety of technologies.

Top 10 AI Startups on Australia's Tech Landscape

Top 10 AI Startups and Businesses in Australia

Canva Online platform for creating graphic images $589 M 2012 Surry Hills, Australia
Atlassian Cloud-based enterprise collaboration suite solutions $210 M 2002 Sydney, Australia
Culture Amp Employee experience management platform $258 M 2009 Richmond, Australia
Appen Provides human-annotated training datasets for AI N/A 1996 Chatswood, Australia
me&u Digital menu solutions for restaurants and cafes $38 M 2018 Collingwood, Australia
Datasite AI-driven cloud-based deal management solution for M&A N/A 1968 Minneapolis, United States
Advanced Navigation Developer of AI and cloud-based inertial sensor systems $101 M 2012 Sydney, Australia
Open AI-based software suite for the insurance industry $53 M 2016 Sydney, Australia
Seeing Machines AI-enabled driver monitoring solutions N/A 2001 Fyshwick, Australia
Harrison AI system for multiple diagnostic analysis $117 M 2017 Sydney, Australia


1. Canva

Launched in 2012 in Surry Hills, Australia, Canva has disrupted the graphic design industry in a major way. Before Canva, people had to either spend a lot of money on graphic design tools or hire a professional graphic designer to create such visuals. Canva revolutionized the way people approach design by making it possible for anyone to design regardless of their level of expertise. The website also has a plethora of templates, images, and design elements that enable users to design social media posts, marketing materials, business presentations, and educational materials, among others.


For Canva, one of the key success factors is its capacity to offer people – small businesses, educators, and non-profits – the tools that will allow them to fight in the world of the visually dominated market. The simple and user-friendly drag-and-drop feature of Canva, coupled with the availability of a wide range of design elements, makes the creation of good quality content achievable for anyone. Also, the freemium model has been a key driver of this growth since it has allowed numerous people to use a variety of resources with no upfront cost.

Canva has also added other features beyond simple image designing, such as video making and collaboration. These enhancements have rendered Canva an essential tool for both personal and business use. With over $589 million in funding, Canva is constantly evolving and growing its international presence, making it a powerhouse in the design world. It is not just a platform; it is a revolution that allows millions of people to design and create what they have always dreamt of.

Key Information:

  • Founded: 2012
  • Location: Surry Hills, Australia
  • Stage: Series F
  • Funding: $589 million
  • Investors: InterWest Partners, Greenspring Associates, and others

2. Atlassian

Atlassian was founded in 2002 in Sydney, Australia, and has grown to be a leading provider of enterprise collaboration and project management tools. Jira, Confluence, and Trello are among the company’s products that are crucial for the functioning of numerous businesses globally. Jira, the leading product of Atlassian, was initially designed as an issue tracker but has developed into a project and software development tool. Thanks to its flexibility and robustness, it has become the most used tool in software development teams all over the world.

Another significant product is Confluence, which revolutionizes teamwork by providing a single location for documentation and knowledge-sharing as well as team messaging. This has been especially beneficial given the current situation where most teams are working remotely across different locations and often across various time zones. The acquisition of Trello by Atlassian also helped them to extend their offering to more general and lightweight project management solutions for users outside of pure software development teams.

Atlassian’s innovation stems from its focus on incremental innovation and user research. It has also continued to diversify its products and services, adding new features and tools that make work more efficient and cooperative. Furthermore, the corporate culture in Atlassian is different from most other companies, where transparency, customer focus, and flat structure are valued, and have contributed to attract and retain talented employees and loyal customers.

Atlassian is a publicly traded company that has enjoyed tremendous financial success, and its products are used in various sectors, including technology, finance, education, and healthcare. In the era when collaboration is the key, Atlassian is not only a vendor of software tools but a strategic ally in the digitization process of organizations globally.

Key Information:

  • Founded: 2002
  • Location: Sydney, Australia
  • Stage: Public
  • Funding: $210 million
  • Investors: Herald Investment Management, T. Rowe Price, and others

3. Culture Amp

Culture Amp

Culture Amp was founded in 2009 in Richmond, Australia with the purpose of helping companies to better understand their workplace culture. The platform is an AI-based tool that can collect and process the information about the employees and help organizations to improve their engagement, productivity, and satisfaction within the workplace.

Employee experience management at Culture Amp is based on the company’s sophisticated survey capabilities, such as 180-degree and 360-degree feedback systems. With these tools, an organization can get a full report of the environment in the workplace from the employees at different levels. This feedback can then be analysed by the platform’s AI to find out the trends and issues that need to be addressed. This in turn enables organizations to prevent or solve problems before they become unmanageable thus improving the working conditions of the employees.

Culture Amp’s most valuable contribution to the world of HR technology is its focus on continuous feedback. It is different from the conventional once-a-year performance review process but, instead, focuses on constant check-ins and feedback. This shift in approach has been well received by organizations of today’s world that are adaptive and employee-oriented.

It has also experienced financial success to boot; the company has secured over $258 million in funding from investors. Culture Amp is already a B Corporation certification that means it is not only focused on increasing the company’s revenue but also creating a social benefit. It is designed for thousands of organizations from all over the world, including many well-known brands, for creating more tolerant workplaces.

Key Information:

  • Founded: 2009
  • Location: Richmond, Australia
  • Stage: Series F
  • Funding: $258 million
  • Investors: Sapphire Ventures, Index Ventures, and others

4. Appen


Appen was established in 1996 and is headquartered in Chatswood, Australia; it is one of the leading providers of training data necessary for the creation of AI and machine learning. This company focuses on developing numerous and correctly labeled datasets that are vital for the training of AI systems in any area of application, such as speech recognition, natural language processing, image recognition, and self-driving cars.


With the development and growth of AI technologies, the need for vast amounts of quality data has surged significantly. Appen has placed itself in this space as a major participant by developing a large global crowd workforce to create and annotate data from various sources. This workforce is diverse and is drawn from over 180 countries. This is to ensure that the data that Appen provides is diverse in terms of language, culture, and usage. This diversity is particularly important when building AI systems that are reliable and capable of performing in real-world applications.

Appen’s focus on quality and security has helped the company become a go-to provider to some of the biggest technology companies in the world. The datasets supplied by Appen are applied in numerous industries, such as technology, automotive, healthcare, and financial, to make these industries’ AI solutions more efficient and accurate.

In addition to its technological advancements, Appen is also at the forefront of ethical AI. The company has a particular focus on data protection, safety, and the potential social impact of AI, which means that it develops new technologies based on its data while being socially responsible. With the advancement of AI in society, Appen is responsible for defining the future of this technology.

Key Information:

  • Founded: 1996
  • Location: Chatswood, Australia
  • Stage: Public
  • Investors: Anacacia Capital, others

5. me&u


me&u, which was founded in 2018 in Collingwood, Australia, is an exciting digital company that is revolutionizing the dining experience through customized menu solutions through artificial intelligence. The platform helps restaurants and cafes to provide digital menus so customers can view and order food and pay with their phones. It not only helps to improve the dining experience by minimizing the waiting time and convenience but also fits well with the current demand for no-contact services in the post-COVID-19 world.

Perhaps, one of the most noteworthy aspects of me&u is that it features a smart upsell system that is based on artificial intelligence and is designed to offer suggestions on what the customer might like to order based on their previous orders. It not only creates customer satisfaction by providing relevant recommendations but also boosts the revenues of the restaurant operators. It also has features such as split payments that are useful to the modern generation of consumers who want more options.

However, me&u also offers substantial advantages to the restaurant operators apart from enhancing customer satisfaction. It provides data analysis features to help restaurants learn about their customers, make better menu selections, and improve their business processes. With the hospitality industry trending towards digital solutions, me&u is well placed to drive this change and offer a solution that is both fit for purpose and adaptable to the needs of the end-user and the business.

me&u’s success is evident in its growth and the large amount of funding it has attracted, with $38 million in funding. This is why ME&U is well-positioned to become the market leader and define the future of dining as more establishments seek to adopt digital solutions in the hospitality sector.

Key Information:

  • Founded: 2018
  • Location: Collingwood, Australia
  • Stage: Series C
  • Funding: $38 million
  • Investors: TR Ventures, Acorn Capital, and others

6. Datasite


Datasite is a Minneapolis, United States-based company that has a strong presence in the Australian market with its AI-based cloud deal management solutions developed specifically for the M&A sector. Founded in 1968, Datasite started as a typical financial services company that has now transformed into a technological company that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to simplify the various processes of M&A transactions.

It is equipped with numerous tools that are intended to address every stage of the deal process, ranging from buyer acquisition to post-merger integration. They include Datasite Outreach, which helps in creating and managing buyers’ lists; Datasite Prepare, which helps with the organization of documentation and categorizing tasks; and Datasite Diligence, which aids in data room setup and client onboarding. It also offers solutions such as Datasite Acquire for tracking deals and managing workflows, as well as Datasite Restructuring & Bankruptcy for managing corporate restructuring.

This is where Datasite differs from other providers – its key goal is to minimize the time and effort required for M&A transactions. All these activities which involve typing, document scanning, and communication tracking can be streamlined using AI and machine learning. This not only makes the process faster but also makes it less prone to errors, thus making the process more accurate and less ambiguous.

In the world of M&A, where timing and precision is of paramount importance, Datasite has carved a niche for itself as a reliable business solutions provider to financial institutions, legal firms and corporations. Its ongoing development of new products and services in the Australian market underscores its dedication to delivering sophisticated and technology-based solutions for the dynamic needs of the sector.

Key Information:

  • Founded: 1968
  • Location: Minneapolis, United States (Significant presence in Australia)
  • Stage: Acquired

7. Advanced Navigation

Advanced Navigation

Advanced Navigation, was established in 2012 in Sydney, Australia, and is an AI and cloud-based inertial sensor systems company specialized in navigation. The company focuses on creating innovative solutions with deep learning algorithms and sensors to provide accurate navigation systems for aerospace, defense, maritime, and robotics sectors.

Advanced Navigation offers products such as navigation systems, inertial sensors, acoustics, GNSS, and robotics technologies. These products are built to work in some of the harshest environments and offer accurate and dependable navigation information for underwater surveys, self-driving cars, and aerial drones, to name a few.

Quantum-enhanced inertial navigation is one of the most significant innovations the company has developed; it can dramatically enhance navigation precision without requiring external references. This is especially useful where GPS signals may be poor or non-existent, e.g., underwater or in interplanetary space.

Advanced Navigation has raised a substantial amount of funding – $101 million – from big-name investors such as KKR and In-Q-Tel, which will allow the company to further expand upon the limits of what is currently possible in navigation technology. The company has a commitment to innovation and quality, which has made it a strong market player in the global market. It is constantly growing, pushing forward the future of navigation technology.

Key Information:

  • Founded: 2012
  • Location: Sydney, Australia
  • Stage: Series B
  • Funding: $101 million
  • Investors: KKR, In-Q-Tel, and others

8. Open


Open was established in 2016 in Sydney, Australia, and is currently one of the pioneers in the field of artificial intelligence within the insurance sector, providing the latter with an AI-based software platform that can meet the needs of insurers, brokers, and policyholders. It is aimed at improving all phases of the insurance life cycle, including policy administration and compliance, claims processing, and customer support services.

Open has several AI products in its software stack; it has an agency management system for brokers, point-of-sale system for brands, and instant claims system where policyholders can report claims through the Internet. The platform also has solutions for the management of policies, which can help the insurers to manage the policies better and to offer a better customer experience.

Another advantage of Open is that it is an AI-based system that can improve the insurance experience for customers. The analysis of the customers’ behavior and preferences helps to adjust the insurance products to their needs, thus enhancing their satisfaction and loyalty. Furthermore, with the use of AI, Open provides better risk management, which leads to less fraud cases and improved insurance company functioning.

Open has raised substantial capital to compete within the insurance technology industry, with $53 million from major investors like AirTree and Five V Capital. With the ever changing dynamics of the insurance market, Open stands out as a company with the potential to unlock the insurance market by providing innovative solutions that will transform the efficiency, transparency and customer orientation of insurance services.

Key Information:

  • Founded: 2016
  • Location: Sydney, Australia
  • Stage: Series B
  • Funding: $53 million
  • Investors: AirTree, Five V Capital, and others
  • Competitors Rank: 6 of 51

9. Seeing Machines

Seeing Machines

Seeing Machines was founded in 2001 in Fyshwick, Australia, and is a leading company that provides AI-based driver monitoring systems. The system is based on computer vision and artificial intelligence techniques to track and analyze the driver’s behavior in real time to identify distraction, drowsiness, and inattention. With the use of real-time alerts, Seeing Machines’ solutions are capable of preventing accidents and enhancing safety across industries such as automotive, aviation, rail, and fleet management industries.

The major function of Seeing Machines revolves around the eye and head movements of the driver, and the company uses this information to determine the driver’s level of drowsiness. The system can identify when the driver is getting tired or distracted or not concentrating on the road and then give out signals that require the driver to make corrections. It is most effective in long-haul trucking, public transportation, and any other industry where driver drowsiness is a major concern.

Seeing Machines has also expanded its technology beyond automotive through aviation crew training, rail safety, and mining, where operator fatigue is vital. Its solutions are implemented by the world’s most recognized companies and brands and are installed in millions of vehicles and other equipment.

Because of its emphasis on safety and technology, Seeing Machines has attracted significant funding and signed contracts with leading carmakers and fleet organizations. With the growing adoption of self-driving cars and other smart vehicles such as ADAS, Seeing Machines’ technology will be instrumental in improving safety and minimizing the impact of human factors in traffic.

Key Information:

  • Founded: 2001
  • Location: Fyshwick, Australia
  • Stage: Public
  • Investors: Herald Investment Management, The Independent Investment Trust, and others

10. Harrison

Harrison is an innovative AI startup company based in Sydney, Australia, established in 2017, specializing in the creation of sophisticated diagnostic tools for the healthcare sector. The company’s platform is based on deep learning and AI and is designed to analyze medical images and videos providing the prediction of the disease development, which may help in the early diagnosis and treatment planning.

His technology is especially valuable in the context of reproductive health, which uses time-lapse videos of embryos during IVF treatments to predict pregnancy outcomes. The AI algorithms of the platform study the growth and development of embryos and share the information with doctors that may help to improve the rate of implantation and pregnancy.

Besides its application in reproductive health, Harrison has also designed other AI solutions to diagnose diseases such as tuberculosis and canine parvovirus infection. The company’s platform can identify fundoscopic images for signs of eye diseases, providing a non-invasive, high accuracy method of diagnosis.

Harrison’s innovative concept of Healthcare Diagnostics has not only gained a lot of attention but has also received a large amount of funding of $117 million from some of the most renowned investors like the Founders Fund and Horizons Ventures. With the advancement of AI in the health sector, Harrison is at the center of this change offering solutions that make diagnosis more accurate and efficient, thus improving the health of the patient.

Key Information:

  • Founded: 2017
  • Location: Sydney, Australia
  • Stage: Series B
  • Funding: $117 million
  • Investors: Founders Fund, Horizons Ventures, and others


The list of these 10 AI startups in Australia has been compiled based on their great achievements in the aspects of innovation, market dominance, and social relevance. All of these companies have shown a remarkable capability to use AI to solve practical business issues, grow efficiently, and drive their sectors. They are the future of AI, not only for Australia but for the entire world.

These startups are not only business organizations; they are representations of the future that technology can bring to life. Their success stories are good examples to emulate for future business visionaries and technological pioneers, demonstrating that anything is achievable with a clear vision, the right technology, and proper implementation strategies. These companies will most undoubtedly go down in history as some of the most influential players in the global AI market, and we eagerly await to see how they will change the world.

Azeez Bijin April 24, 2023