AWS (Amazon Web Services) is a cloud computing service that aids a computing infrastructure with a virtualisation environment, network, servers and hardware units. AWS has been started as an initiative to provide a virtualisation environment in addition to resource provisioning which is integrated and provided via online to the third party. It was initially started as an IAAS layer and later had a straight cut growth to Platform as a Service (Paas) which can provide complete assistance for project development with OS and middleware.
Lambda function has been used to attest a function with each datum so as to enhance its context as it transits from one state to another. Put in simple terms, we can scale our image to fit into the window display of smartphones or notebook in a responsive format.
AWS lambda is a serverless architecture that enables you to promote an application purely customised based on the needs of the end user on an event-driven computing platform. Earlier, serverless architectures were used to develop an application that was purely deprived of server-side state and logic.
Here we have an event trigger which is completely aided by Lambda function which provides the service FAAS i.e. Function as a Service, where we break down large monolithic applications to smaller services which are again disintegrated to the level of functions and events.
The prime merit of AWS Lambda is that managing and forwarding RPC calls to remote servers are completely avoided for enhancing computational time optimization.
Lambda function works cooperatively with S3 (Simple Storage as a Service) where cumulative storage is possible.
If you build and manage your own FaaS infrastructure, it is all about optimization of resources that trace back to reduce cost – a major reason to adopt serverless.
- Eager Development
Serverless architecture can be rapidly developed by product engineers. It has alleviated the problems of server crashes. Thus, it needs very less time on operational issues making developers life stress free.
- Operational Management Optimisation
Reduced computational cost and reduced operational management overheads are the added advantages of Automatic scaling functionality of FaaS. Serverless platform segregates the infrastructure services and applications running on top of the OS and middleware. Thus, a completely serverless solution like AWS Lambda will not require system administration.
- Reduction in Operational Costs
The basic merit of this technology is that you only pay for the time your function executes and not for standalone time and uses only resources on demand.
Holding a web-socket connection open for a chatbot for long is one menial task that cannot be done by AWS.
- State
State-full service, which needs a connection-oriented service requires a database and is required to store any data that needs to remain consistent.
- DoS (Denial of Service)
AWS Lambda limits concurrency and jobs in the ready queue may be temporarily sidelined and can undergo starvation leading to deadlocks.
- Execution Duration
AWS Lambda functions are aborted if they run for longer than 5 minutes or a pre-set deadline. There are tasks that run for more than the given limit which may be left unexecuted.
We would like to ponder over your thoughts on serverless architecture and AWS Lambda.