How to build a payment gateway app? Stripe, Braintree, PayPal clone

app development October 8, 2024

Are you interested in creating your own payment gateway? Whether you want to build a solution for your local market, need a white-label solution, or require a payment gateway to control every transaction in your large-scale retail business, this guide is for you. At Ateam Soft Solutions, we specialize in delivering top-tier app development services, helping businesses in Australia and beyond take their ideas to the next level.

In this post, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of developing a payment gateway, covering system architecture, hiring a development team, and outplaying your competitors.

Who Needs to Build a Payment Gateway?

It’s important to determine whether building a payment gateway is the right move for your business. You might need to develop one if:

  • You are a large business looking to reduce transaction fees by creating your own communication bridge with banks.
  • You have a game-changing idea that can compete with major players like Stripe.
  • Your local market is untapped, and you want to be the first player in this space.

For businesses in Australia and globally, a strong partnership with an app development company like Ateam Soft Solutions can be the key to success, ensuring you build the right solution for your market.

Core Components of a Payment Gateway

Depending on your business goals, your payment gateway’s architecture will consist of several layers. Typically, the flow starts when a customer sends a payment request to a merchant, which is processed by your payment gateway. This gateway may include unique services like communication with card networks, banks, risk management tools, and other essential components.

Pros and Cons of Building a Payment Gateway


  • Transaction Fee Reduction: For large retail or IT companies, creating a custom payment gateway can significantly reduce transaction fees.
  • Tailored Features: You can develop specific features according to your business needs, which could become market game-changers.
  • White-Label Potential: Transforming your gateway into a white-label solution allows you to expand into other markets and countries.


  • High Costs: Fintech software development is expensive, and creating a custom payment gateway can require a significant investment.
  • Regulations and Compliance: Adhering to local regulations is challenging and time-consuming.
  • Development Timeline: Developing a payment gateway can take 12 to 24 months.
  • Cloud Infrastructure Maintenance: The cost of maintaining isolated environments and duplicated services for stability can be high.

Estimating the Cost for a Payment Gateway MVP

Building a payment gateway involves developing various modules such as merchant profiles, gateway blocks for transaction authorizations, compliance, multi-currency support, fraud detection, and more. It’s important to also account for ongoing needs like quality assurance, bug fixing, project management, maintenance, and risk management.

For businesses seeking app development services, especially in the Australian market, outsourcing your project to regions like Ukraine can be a cost-effective solution without compromising quality. Ukrainian developers are known for their strong technical skills, English proficiency, and innovative thinking.

Creating an MVP for Your Payment Gateway

An MVP (Minimum Viable Product) is not just a buzzword—it’s the core philosophy that helps businesses focus on essential features while discarding unnecessary distractions. Your goal should be to create a limited but functional solution that delivers value to your users without trying to compete directly with multi-billion dollar companies like Stripe right from the start.

Feature Prioritization:

Imagine you’re building a payment gateway and you want to include payment processing, fraud detection, international payments, crypto integration, and invoicing. Ask yourself: Do you really need custom fraud detection from day one, or could you use a third-party integration for now? Could crypto integration wait until version 2.0?

By focusing on the essential features first, you can launch quickly and refine the product based on real-world feedback.

Avoid Feature Obsession

Obsessing over features that don’t solve your customers’ immediate problems can kill your startup. Remember, no one expects your product to be perfect on day one. Instead, focus on creating a tool that effectively addresses specific issues, even if it’s not fully polished.

Hidden gem: Check the negative reviews of your competitors to discover what problems their users are facing and use this information to guide your feature development.

Creating a Lean Business Plan with an MVP Approach

Every successful business begins with a plan, but instead of creating a complex, exhaustive business plan, use the Lean Canvas approach. This allows you to focus on the most important aspects of your payment gateway, enabling quicker decision-making and adaptation.

Understanding Your User Groups and Pain Points

Start by identifying your user groups and understanding their specific pain points. What are their struggles? What solutions can you provide to make their lives easier? For instance, does your target audience need a simplified invoicing system, or are they looking for better crypto integration?

Competitor Research

Next, explore your competitors. What solutions are they offering? What are their strengths and weaknesses? Study the giants in the industry, such as Stripe, to learn from their user flows and proven methodologies. However, don’t limit your research to industry leaders. Look into smaller startups across different regions and markets—you may find a hidden gem that gives you a competitive edge.

Unfair Advantage

Your unfair advantage is what sets you apart from your competitors. This could be your knowledge of the local market, innovative AI-driven solutions, or even your network. An example from a friend of mine, Carl, shows how leveraging his access to corporate databases helped him secure $25 million in funding for his food delivery service, focused on the corporate sector.

If you’re seeking app development services to handle the complexities of creating a payment gateway, choosing the right app developers is critical to delivering a solution that meets regulatory standards and performs optimally.

Targeting Early Adopters

Once you’ve identified your unique advantage, the next step is to target your early adopters. These individuals will be the first to test your payment gateway and provide valuable feedback. Find out where they spend their time online—whether it’s on social media platforms like Discord, Telegram, or by following niche influencers. Create a compelling marketing hook to engage them with something unique and powerful.

Save Costs by Focusing on Product-Market Fit

A key strategy to save costs during software development is to focus on product-market fit. This means identifying a simple list of features that solve your users’ problems. Once you have this list, only develop the features that are necessary and cut the rest.

Example: Reputable Payments and Subscriptions

Let’s say you have a unique idea for an app that helps users make repeatable transactions without re-entering credit card details. Or perhaps you want to create a subscription tool that integrates with popular payment systems like Patreon. Once you’ve identified these specific pain points, you can prioritize them and turn them into solutions that deliver real value.

Fall in Love with Your Customer’s Problems

Your customers are your most valuable resource, and your payment gateway should be designed to solve their problems, not just implement your solution. By focusing on the challenges your customers face, you will create a product that addresses real needs and outshines competitors.

For example, one crypto company funded two development teams to build different wallets. One team ignored a critical issue where transactions required 5 to 10 attempts due to network glitches, resulting in poor user experience. The other team added a progress bar and automated retries, which significantly improved user engagement and satisfaction.

Prioritizing Features for Your MVP

After thoroughly researching your customer needs and competitors, it’s time to prioritize the features for your MVP. You need to determine which features are must-haves, should-haves, could-haves, and which won’t be developed right away. This approach helps you stay within budget while allowing flexibility to pivot as necessary.

The Power of Story Mapping

Using a story map can help break down user requirements and essential features, ensuring that your MVP is developed and launched quickly. Develop separate story maps for each user type, giving them their own “treasure map” to the features that matter most to them.

Building a Solid UX and Business Logic Foundation

The user experience (UX) and business logic of your payment gateway are more critical than its user interface (UI) at this stage. UX is the blueprint that uncovers hidden or unexpected user flows, while the UI is merely the skin that enhances the visual appeal.

For example, if you’re building a Stripe clone, you’ll need to consider scenarios such as how users will process refunds. By identifying these key functionalities through UX design, you can avoid gaps in your feature set.

UI Design for Your MVP

While UI design is important, it’s not a top priority during the early stages of your payment gateway. Keep the design accessible to users of all ages, with intuitive icons and simple color schemes that help them navigate the app with minimal clicks. Only later, when you are ready to attract investors or scale your business, should you focus on branding, logos, and advanced UI features.

Structuring Your Business for Global Success

Incorporating your business in the right jurisdiction is vital to attracting international investors and planning for future exits or IPOs. Work with international tax advisors to figure out how to minimize taxes during development and ensure your payment gateway is structured for long-term success.

Selecting the Right Tech Stack

Choosing the right tech stack for your payment gateway is critical to avoid issues like slow performance, high maintenance costs, and difficulties in scaling. Popular backend options include Python, Node.js, Core Java, or Golang. For web apps, frameworks like Angular, React, or Vue.js are recommended.

Using a Microservices architecture ensures that each block or module functions independently, so if one component fails, the others continue working. This architecture also simplifies maintenance, updates, and scaling.

DevOps Setup

During the DevOps setup, you may work with various cloud providers such as AWS, Google Cloud, or Digital Ocean. Different services may be cheaper or more stable in certain regions, and in some cases, you’ll need local government compliance for isolated environments. Make sure to maintain control over your code by setting up a GitHub or GitLab repository and clearly outlining intellectual property ownership in your contracts.

Agile Development for Speed and Efficiency

The Agile development process is one of the most effective methodologies for speeding up the development of your MVP. However, be aware that Agile can slow down your project if not implemented correctly, especially as your team grows larger.

Key Agile Practices for Success:

  • Hire a tech lead to manage the team and oversee code architecture.
  • Implement SCRUM, sprints, and daily stand-ups to maintain transparency and communication.
  • Use advanced tools like Jira to manage tasks and track progress.

Leveraging AI for Competitive Advantage

AI can be a real game-changer for your payment gateway. For instance, you can use tools like LangChain to transform transactional data into actionable insights that your merchants can use to better understand their customers and optimize their marketing strategies. This unique offering could set your payment gateway apart from competitors.

At Ateam Soft Solutions, we specialize in helping businesses develop cutting-edge solutions like payment gateways, tailored to their needs. If you’re ready to start building your own payment gateway and need expert support, schedule a 30-minute consultation with us, and we’ll help you turn your vision into a market-disrupting solution.

Azeez Bijin April 24, 2023