Direct-to-Consumer Marketplace: A Playbook for Retail

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Direct-to-Consumer Marketplace: A Playbook for Retail

Direct-to-Consumer Marketplace: A Playbook for Retail

Posted on: 23 Jul 2021

Synopsis: With the ongoing scenario of the covid-19, the need for the “direct to consumer” has suddenly been in the hype. It has forced the model to be brought further to the internet. Certainly, technology via the internet has played a vital role to chop off the middlemen and open the doors in favour of […]

Angular vs Vue: Which is better?

Angular vs Vue: Which is better?

Posted on: 15 Jul 2021

Synopsis– Picking up the right structure for your web can be fascinating. Subject to the product, the necessities and required features will surely change. And when a framework looks at those exact requirements and highlights, your web foundation will run flawlessly. Angular Vs Vue, both are are JavaScript frameworks that are similar in the terms […]

Mobile Application for Gym Members

Fitness Mobile Application for Gym Members: Features, Cost and Benefits.

Posted on: 02 Nov 2020

Mobile App for GYM Mobile Application are penetrating every industry, with the Fitness Industry being no exception. And to be an exceptional customer oriented business, a Mobile Application is the bridge. This includes every type of gym – weightlifting, boxing, mixed martial arts training, cross-fit, etc. Even yoga studios can reap a lot of benefits […]

Custom Warehouse Management System for Your Business

Posted on: 08 Oct 2020

  Warehouses & distribution centres face many different challenges and the truth is, in this competitive environment, Small to Medium Businesses (SMBs) cannot afford to keep using a manual paper-based approach for warehouse management. However, businesses around the globe are facing some issues in adapting to a single consolidated platform for automation of their workflow, […]


eLearning Educational App: Strategies for Effective Online Class

Posted on: 08 Oct 2020

Digital Transformation is accelerating in almost every primary sector and transforming their operations in today’s Tech Space. The approaches and strategies to run the organizations are changing, whether it’s IT, Ecommerce, Healthcare, or Education. People are getting creative and innovative. You must have seen it as well. For example, people have taken to using Zoom […]

Mobile App

Top Mobile App Ideas for Your Business in 2020 and Beyond

Posted on: 13 Aug 2020

How often do you look at your phone? It is definitely more than what we would like to admit. In fact, if you take a second to look, you will notice that others are also glued to their phones. An average American checks his or her phone every 12 minutes while 10% of the masses check their […]

Outsource Software Development

Why Startups Should Outsource Software Development?

Posted on: 13 Aug 2020

In this day and age, it is difficult to run a startup business. There are very few that manage to succeed. Even though your startup might be small, it brings with it a lot of complex activities that have to be managed rightly. On top of this, Outsource software development might be a huge task […]

Minimum Viable Product

Minimum Viable Product (MVP) :Ultimate Guide to Know

Posted on: 13 Aug 2020

Everyone has ideas. Some have very good ideas. However, one is only truly victorious when he or she is able to turn that idea into a reality. Additionally, this product of reality must be top-notch and not some cheap knock-off. So, what are you going to do? Do you build your product on your own […]

proof of concept in software development

Proof of Concept in Software Development

Posted on: 13 Aug 2020

  Proof of Concept Definition in Software Development and Proof of Concept Meaning Software Inspiring your team, brainstorming and forming an idea is both exciting and energizing. Envisioning the ideation of forming something different that solves problems seems wonderful but if that idea is not put through its pace properly, it may face the same […]

Software Development Trends

Software Development Trends 2023

Posted on: 05 Aug 2020

Overview Project Management and Staffing are the two common and most important operational tasks for the service providers in the IT Industry, along with productivity maintenance and performance management. However, the pandemic has turned the tables around and complicated the core of operational metrics for the IT companies all around the world. The overwhelming impact […]

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