Software Development Checklist For Project Manager, Developers, UI/UX & QA

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Software development checklist for project manager, developers, UI/UX & QA

Software Development Checklist For Project Manager, Developers, UI/UX & QA

Posted on: 09 Jan 2023

Are you a project manager looking for a quick checklist of things to do before you launch your new software? Are you a developer with a new product but don’t know where to start? Maybe you’re a UI/UX designer or QA tester and want to ensure your product is ready for release. If any of […]

Web Application Security

Top 10 Web Application Security Best Practices & Flaws with Examples

Posted on: 21 Nov 2022

Web application security is a broad term that encompasses a number of different measures that can be taken to keep the applications you use, and the data they store, secure. This includes everything from patching holes in your operating system, to making sure that the people who have access to your apps are trained and […]

Software Testing Best Practices for Web & Mobile Projects

Software Testing Best Practices for Web & Mobile Projects

Posted on: 11 Oct 2022

There is a significant flaw when it comes to software testing projects. Many, if not most, software developers do not understand the value of Testing. After years of dealing with this issue, some software testing best practices have emerged that every software developer should practice. Without proper planning, implementation and upkeep, any software project can […]

Experts guide to Choosing The Right Software Testing Tools

Experts guide to Choosing The Right Software Testing Tools

Posted on: 11 Oct 2022

  Last month’s software testing tool is not right for today’s job. That’s how fast things change. One day you’ll be happy to have a mouse and keyboard. Next, you want to replace them with 100 IoT-enabled desk lamps. How do you choose the right software testing tools to stay relevant in this fast-paced industry? […]

How to Build a SaaS Application

How to Build a SaaS Application: 6 Step-by-Step Guide

Posted on: 28 Sep 2022

How to Build a SaaS Application –  You’ve played around with building a SaaS application but aren’t sure where to start. You look at some of the available resources and are even more confused than you were before. This guide is here to help you and make this process easier. Let’s start; What is a […]

Top Challenges in SaaS application development

Top 20 Challenges in SaaS Application Development

Posted on: 28 Sep 2022

Developing a SaaS application is no easy feat. From design to implementation, testing, and finally deployment, a lot can go wrong, and it’s just one misstep away from being a disaster. You might spend time and money on something that doesn’t generate any revenue or valuable insights. You must minimize the chance of failure right […]

How to choose the perfect Tech Stack for your SaaS Product? | Ateam Soft Solutions

13 Tips to Choose the Perfect Tech Stack for your SaaS Product?

Posted on: 28 Sep 2022

When you want to build a SaaS, you need a tech stack that will support your product and fit your future vision. This is crucial because it can change your company’s direction and affect employees and partners. This choice should never be taken lightly because your current technology will impact your business in the long […]

Techniques and Methods for accurate software development estimation

4 Techniques for Accurate Software Development Estimation

Posted on: 17 Jun 2022

Synopsis– Every project owner wants to know the end-to-end monetary conditions and timeline for the fulfillment of a planned project. Regardless of how small or basic a task might appear, the course of estimation is of high importance. There is a ton to think about depending upon the instance of software development estimation, be it a […]

Building a chat app with React native vs flutter

Building a Chat Application with React Native vs Flutter

Posted on: 20 Apr 2022

These days, everyone appears to be developing mobile applications for their Chat Application. And rightly so. Because if you don’t target mobile app users today, you’ll be missing out on nearly 5 billion potential clients. As a result, software companies make every effort to integrate mobile applications development into their offerings, with many opting for a mobile-first […]

What to expect when hiring a custom software development company

What to expect when hiring a custom software development company

Posted on: 20 Apr 2022

When we speak of software development companies, we’re usually thinking about companies that service their clients by creating custom software on demand, such as Custom web application Development & Custom mobile application Development. In this article, we’ll go over some of the most critical factors to consider when hiring a custom software development company to collaborate on […]

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