How to Land a Remote app developer job with a US-based company

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How to Land a Remote app developer job with a US-based company

How to Land a Remote app developer job with a US-based company

Posted on: 09 Sep 2024

Are you an app developer or a mobile app developer from outside the US looking to land a remote job with a US-based company? Many developers around the world dream of earning in dollars while living in their own countries, but getting there can be challenging. At Ateam Soft Solutions, we understand the obstacles you […]

Reality of Becoming a Remote Software Developer in Australia

Reality of Becoming a Remote Software Developer in Australia

Posted on: 09 Sep 2024

Are you trying to get into programming because you want to work remotely? Maybe your fantasy is waking up in the morning, staying in your pajamas, and getting straight to work, or perhaps you dream of traveling the world as a digital nomad. These are great reasons to pursue software development. However, it’s also essential […]

App Developer as a Non-Technical Founder

How to Hire an App Developer as a Non-Technical Founder

Posted on: 08 Aug 2024

How do you hire an app developer when you are a non-technical person? What are some do’s and don’ts that you should be aware of? Recently, we’ve gotten more and more requests to help save software projects from failing. The number of similar inquiries keeps increasing, so we decided to do something about it. In […]

Offshore Software Development Projects Fail

5 Reasons Why Offshore Software Development Projects Fail

Posted on: 08 Aug 2024

I guarantee whatever the company saved from hiring this offshore team, they lost it all and more in all the rework. Expensive consultants spent cleaning up all the lost on-shore work, cleaning up all the projects that just turned into expenses because we had to throw absolutely everything away. All the time we spent waiting […]

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