Client Overview

Ateam Soft Solutions partnered with an innovative tech startup to create a Digital AI Recruiter, designed to transform the recruitment landscape for hiring managers, encompassing everything from sourcing to interviewing.

Project Objective

To build an AI-driven recruitment platform that streamlines hiring from sourcing to interviewing.

Partnered with AI-based Recruitment Product Startup to Reach €1 Million ARR


  • Adapting product development to the evolving recruitment industry needs.
  • Balancing swift development with high quality and technical sophistication.
  • Customizing the platform to meet end-user requirements.
  • Overcoming technical challenges in AI feature implementation.

Our project team consisted of 7 key members

  • 3Software Developers specializing in AI and machine learning technologies.
  • 2UI/UX Designers crafting an intuitive and engaging user interface.
  • 1Quality Tester ensuring the platform's robustness and reliability.
  • 1Project Manager overseeing the project alignment with strategic goals.

Product Highlights

  • Game-changing Sourcing Technology:

    Utilizing patent-pending AI to predict job change intent in passive candidates, shortlisting from a database of 500M+ profiles for optimal job fit.

  • Automated & Interactive Engagement:

    An AI-powered chatbot engages with candidates, conducts initial screenings, answers questions, and performs video interviews, streamlining the recruitment process.


  • Developed a scalable and user-friendly Digital AI Recruiter platform, acclaimed for its innovative functionality and design
  • Integrated standout AI features, enhancing the efficiency of the recruitment process.
  • Overcame technical challenges to boost product performance.
  • Achieved significant milestones, leading to increased user adoption and client satisfaction.

Key Learnings

  • Understanding the client's vision and user needs is crucial in software development.
  • Agile and adaptable development methodologies are essential for evolving project requirements.
  • Technical excellence and innovation underpin product success.
  • Collaborative client engagement is vital for achieving aligned and effective outcomes.

Economic Impact

  • Enabled the startup to reach €1 million ARR within the first year.
  • Achieved a 50% reduction in time-to-hire, yielding significant cost savings for clients.


This case study exemplifies Ateam Soft Solutions’ expertise in delivering innovative software solutions that empower clients to achieve rapid growth and significant economic impact, solidifying their position in the market.

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CEO, Blacksmith International


Director, RecycleSV


CEO, Crowdpatch

Kimberly Smith

Omega Learning




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Assured Financial Service

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Strategic Comparison of IT Outsourcing Models

Aspect Offshore Onshore
Operational Costs Highest cost efficiency with substantial savings Highest operational costs
Access to Talent Pool Access to a vast global talent pool with diverse expertise Limited to domestic talent pool
Scalability Highly scalable due to extensive resources Scalability constrained by local market
Innovation Potential Diverse international perspectives drive innovation Familiarity may lead to conventional solutions
English Proficiency Moderate to high in certain regions Real-time collaboration, but limited to business hours
Quality Standards International quality standards with competitive edge High, but at premium costs

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