Top Node.js Development Tips

aTeam Soft Solutions is always known to use the latest technologies. Thus, they are familiar with the newest features of Node.js and how to use them and the best practices to employ. Following are some of the tips to be kept in mind while using Node.js for development.

  1. Use Async/await

    Async/await was a big feature that came to Node.js. It completely overturned the way Async events were handled. Code bases are no longer mind-boggling. This new feature has helped in simplifying the whole process. At this point, to understand how to benefit the most from Node.js, more emphasis can be laid on previous Async programs.

  2. Be Familiar with import and import()

    ES modules are mostly used with Transpilers or @std/esm library. They have been supported ever since version 8.5 of Node.js. However, this was mostly experimental. There is still time for it to be ready for production. Developers can create a good foundation in this now and then, later on, follow up with the progress of the feature as and when they are updated.

  3. Get Acquainted with HTTP/2

    HTTP/2 comes without the flag now. This has two highlights, that is, server push and multiplexing for efficiently loading native modules in browsers. This is also something that will be adopted with many new libraries.

  4. Use Prettier and Linter together

    Prettier was very well received in 2017. It is a code formatter. Instead of the old school code style warnings, it formats the code style. However, there still will be errors which cannot be reformatted automatically. Therefore, it is advisable to use Prettier with Linter for projects.

  5. Secure Your Node.js Applications

    Securing applications is another important tip. There will be many security breaches and other vulnerabilities with not just Node.js applications but others as well. There are many platforms and tools that work well with Node.js specifications.

  6. Embrace Microservices

    Microservices come into use if you have trouble deploying projects that are big. There are two great options: Docker and Kubernetes. Docker provides containers which will have a filesystem that has runtime, system tools and libraries. Kubernetes is an open-source system which is for deployment and for managing applications that are containerised. It is also better to improve the existing code before delving into containers and orchestration. Thus, deployment is made easier. Initially deploying large applications used to be difficult. Microservices technologies are designed to handle these kinds of deployment.

  7. Monitor Your Services

    There are also tips for fixing issues even before they have a chance of being evident. They must be fixed before the users notice them. For this, there should be a good system of monitoring and alerting. This will help with the deployment of production. However, other specific tools must be used for handling complex microservice systems.

  8. These are some of the tips that can be employed for getting the best out of Node.js. Adopting best practices will only enhance the quality of Node.js applications.

Technical Consultant at aTeam Soft Solutions | Marrying Ideas & Technology to scale business | helping SME's and start-up's define Digital Transformation strategies.

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