Would you rather go in for throwing in a bunch of pineapple slices over pizza or choose boring technology? Considering that the former sounds obnoxious, the latter is a wise choice to make since it is known. But, in the case of ‘The Perl Programming Language,’ created by Larry Wall, it is safer to avoid the popularity rate that it faced due to the usage of boring technology.
Referring to the Reactive Conference, Prague, 2019, Richard Feldman stated that web development prediction is safer than following blindly. In the 21st century, programming languages like the Typescript (TS) have received a fair response and are widely preferred compared to JavaScript (JS).
According to David Nolen, Typescript is an enterprise of JavaScript. Even though the Typescript gives more room to type-checking, the system is still unsound and does not sink in. On the other hand, several predictions have been made, giving a sharp contrast to both the programming languages (Typescript & JavaScript).

Prediction #1
The Typescript is taking over JavaScript, and by the end of this year, it will be an all-new choice for commercial-based JS projects. You must be wondering, why not JavaScript, when the Typescript has listed disadvantages?
Well, in the conference speech given by Nolen, he emphasized a point by saying that Teams within companies who have opted for Typescript have never switched back to JavaScript, which is an accomplishment by itself.
And by the end of 2025, most people will go in for Typescript Daily, more than JavaScript without Typescript.
Technically most JavaScript users dislike JavaScript as a whole. But since Typescript ‘lives’ within the browser, it adds little concepts to enrich itself, which only a programmer would preferably acknowledge.
- Classes: Typescript supports Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). In this case, a class in OOP is the appropriate layout for the creation of objects. It encompasses data and gives built-in support to the terminology ‘class.’
- Private attributes: There are three types of modifiers within Typescript – public, private, and protected. These are associated with classes and have their own individual properties.
- Closures: These are variables in the outer function that have been closed by the inner function, thus translating to’ closure.’
- Decorators: They provide a way to add annotations and a meta-programming syntax for members and declarations.
- Getters & Setters: These properties allow you access to the classes, where getter returns the value and setters update the property’s value.
Even though these terms are not an add-on to the JavaScript, but as it uses a single idea to portray different meanings, the Typescript uses significant keywords. For example, the Typescript will let you omit the data-type, but JavaScript will not accept the given number until specified – int fortyTwo = 42;
Just like the name suggests, Typescript appends types in JavaScript, and the type system in TS varies from the type system in JS. The type system of TS is the superscript of the type system in JS, and there are minute differences between the two. If you notice, the JavaScript has only one numeric type. Everything is depicted in numbers, ignorant of whether it is an integer or floating type.
Taking the factors into consideration, the Typescript is getting popular at the front-end. About 80% of the developers assure that they would likely be using the Typescript in their upcoming projects. You might ask – what does the front-end environment mean?
In simpler terms, it signifies the user-face. In comparison to JavaScript, TS is a much easier code to interpret and understand, faster to implement, and easier to refactor.
Around 50% of the time is saved in bug-fixing, and once you are sure that the variables have fit within the required plates, testing isn’t required. Lesser tests indicate the development of new features, smaller codebase, which in turn results in fewer errors and is easier management.
Coding only works when you enter the required data and receive inputs. Generally, you will have to sit and work on the execution. But in the case of Typescript, it assists you in thinking about the interface of the code, even before you jump on to the internal implementation.
As far as the access factor is concerned, Typescript is portable across browsers, devices, and operating systems. It is suitable for every environment, like JavaScript, and does not require a VM or a specific time-period for execution.
Typescript already has a ‘pre-period fanbase’ with the highest usage being 21% and the highest interest being 39% amongst the alternative JavaScripts. According to a Danish Software Engineer, Anders Hejlsberg, there is a large ‘vote of confidence’ by many experienced people in the industry, which is a ‘notice factor’ for many other experts and individuals.
Web Assembly

It is a binary instruction format. One can take any programming language to compile it on the web assembly, which can run on the web browser or server. Its main function is to make applications run quicker than JavaScript.
It can be used to improve the performance of the existing JavaScript apps and libraries. But, it does not have a lot of impact for this purpose as the performance related to JavaScript is widely accepted.
Companies like Figma, an editing software like Photoshop, used web assembly in a completely different way by writing and presenting a blog about how important and crucial Web Assembly for them was. It is an in-built C++ operation, instead of using the usual HTML or JavaScript, which means anyone using Figma would have to use C++ for describing.
This lets browsers compete with app stores and installers and could only do little in the future, including an easier way to get in without doing much of work. If one wants another person on the same page as they are, they will just need to send a link for it to happen.
Another factor is that it is normal for native apps to be big in size, which isn’t possible with web apps. But again, these things are common and tolerable. For example, the Real-World app asset took down its size from 100 kb to 29 kb.
At the same time, this isn’t an end of Html/ CSS/ JavaScript, as it works for many companies, and people wouldn’t simply change because there is another option (There are plenty of other options apart from web assembly). Only the main definition of what a “Web App” is will get bigger.
The best representation for this is online gaming. One would need low-level high-performance technology for this and cannot run the game through CSS. In the future, Web assembly is going to expand the Web App pie.
Prediction #2
By the end of this year, it hasn’t made much progress as people are still working on it and would not make any significant difference until a few years. But by the end of 2025, it would have created a niché of heavyweight web apps!
NPM – It stands for Node Package Manager. It essentially consists of two things: an online platform and a command-line tool.
On the online platform, people can circulate and share tools jotted down in JavaScript. In a command-line tool, people can install and uninstall packages.
Entropic is one of the alternative package managers. Yarn is yet another system to access NPM.

YARN: It is an alternative to NPM, which is an open-source JavaScript package manager formulated by Facebook, with its main purpose to be stable and more secured than NPM.ENTROPIC: It is a federated package manager for JavaScript with a new CLI that works smoothly alongside a network. Its main objective is to make the package manager a part of the same demo routine.
Prediction #3
NPM lasts, surviving further problems. By the end of 2020, a new NPM security incident will make headlines and by the end of 2025, a malicious package will infect many development machines.
Difference between bash and NPM
The ‘Bash install.sh’ executes arbitrary codes on the machine, whereas ‘NPM install.sh’ executes arbitrary code on the machine from thousands of packages, which is even worse.
Will NPM still survive in the future?
Well, it is going to survive in the future despite many problems that it might face in its due course. It might have financial troubles, might bail out by pointing other servers, have more viruses, but it still would survive because of extremely strong network effects.
Developers might need to learn new frameworks as the current tools do not last in JavaScript. Other predictions are that developers might need to learn to use GraphQL.
Compile to JavaScript
Earlier, if one did not wish to write JavaScript, they did have an option to go for Java Applets or Flash, which most of them did, but later this no longer existed.
The most suitable way to assemble to JavaScript is to combine the JavaScript dialect with JavaScript. There are other programs like CoffeeScript, Svelte, Typescript, etc.
Most of them are similar to JavaScript, with similar advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, they are called JavaScript dialects and may have a similar catchphrase.
Many other scripts differ from JavaScript and have completely different benefits and drawbacks. A few examples of the same are ClojureScript, reasonML, Elm, etc.
These have a completely different background and give a view of programming language since they are different dialects.
- It is faster than JavaScript
- Builds minor clumps when compared to JavaScript
- Keeps neater packages on top of the JavaScript framework
- They hardly slam in exercise
But surely, ELM will not take over the world. Though today Typescript is a popular program, JavaScript would still rule the world.
Prediction #4
JS alternatives stay niche and age well. By the end of 2020, Compile to JS language will still grow, but not as fast as TS. And by the end of 2025, the non-JS dialects will have aged as well, even though TS will be popular.
With the above statements being analysed, the future of web development, in terms of GraphQL and Typescript, is here to stay for the better.
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