Posted on: 12 Sep 2018
Everybody starts out with big business ideas. But you often may not have the capital to bring your idea to life. But with a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), you can give a kick start to your business with minimum investments. This is especially beneficial for startups as they start with minimum capital. Although there […]
Posted on: 17 Aug 2018
Serverless, like the name suggests, does not mean without any servers. So it is not to be taken literally. In this situation, there are servers but because clouding resource as a whole serves the purpose of a service, the developer does not have to worry about maintenance and scaling. In this model, you only […]
Posted on: 26 Jul 2018
In the tech world, MEAN web development is quickly gaining popularity. Mean is basically a stack framework denoting the four versatile technologies like MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and Node.js. The principle advantages of these four technologies are the basis of this framework. Mean Stack is a user-friendly framework which uses a single language of JavaScript […]
Posted on: 26 Jul 2018
Technology is the future. This can already be seen today with the modern lifestyle around the world. People are dependent on internet, smartphones and social media as they are dependent on air, food and water for survival. Everyone has become accustomed to technology so much that they find it difficult to live life without […]
Posted on: 26 Jul 2018
Choosing the right framework to work with is always laborious to developers. To try out a new framework from thousands, to check its pros and cons, prevents the developers from finding out something amazing. This happens most of the time because they are stuck with the old un-updated framework. Are you someone who needs […]
Posted on: 26 Jul 2018
A framework is what we should start this with just as we would start building a programme. As the word indicates itself, it’s a combination of the two words frame and work. So, a frame is something which is already designed, and the designer will work on it. The framework is an organisational structure […]
Posted on: 26 Jul 2018
It may seems like a flattery. But its real. Again comes the question why? Many years back it was the age of consultants and IT Agents across the globes. They will be acting as the traders or trader links connecting the Clients IT Requirement to matching Resources. This system was going good for a […]
Posted on: 25 Jul 2018
The server less technology doesn’t means it doesn’t have a server. It is a Cloud Computing Execution Model, where the Providers dynamically manages the machine resources as per the needs of the system . The capacity utilization and resourcefulness can be achieved by the same. From wiki, we can say it as, The name […]