phpFox Developers for $12/hr in aTeam Soft Solutions

Along with the many other development technologies that aTeam Soft Solutions specialises in, phpFox is one. In fact, aTeam Soft Solutions has the best phpFox developers. As the size and kinds of businesses are increasing, it is important to be familiar with a fair share of development techniques and strategies. aTeam Soft Solutions’s top phpFox team chose phpFox for many reasons. It is one of the few technologies that are equally beneficial to both developers and businesses. phpFox is today mostly known for its best solutions when it comes to the development of social networking websites. It has more than 1300 plugins, multilingual support and many other great features. It has built some great social media networks and community portals. aTeam Soft Solutions provides you with all of these services at a throwaway price of 12 dollars per hour. Following are some of the features of phpFox development that makes it worth using.

  • Ease of Use

For transferring data across online, phpFox provides certain tools. This makes uploading and downloading files dependable and also easy. This is particularly useful for social media as it is all about sharing information. aTeam Soft Solutions uses this feature of phpFox to create an online persona for your business. They also use it to effectively advertise your brand name. Since everything is at 12 dollars, the services are cheap and it is not that expensive to have your own social media network.

  • Advertisement Space

Management of the banner space is another big advantage. This paves the way for affiliate marketing and advertising. This is another way of increasing your revenue. You can provide advertising space to other brands on your website and earn a commission for every click. aTeam Soft Solutions provides you guidelines for creating a website and also encourages the promotion of your website through affiliate marketing. It also helps you with content management of such ads.

  • Plugins

You also do not have to pay for plugins. This is one reason why aTeam Soft Solutions is able to give you this service at such a reasonable price. The phpFox plugins come free and you will save many resources. Configuration of these plugins is also easy. Once the developers are done with web development, you yourself can use these built-in plugins to expand its utility.

Even though phpFox had some errors and a starting trouble when it was created, phpFox has now become this high quality and refined technology. It has a system that is resistant to security issues, bugs, threats and instability issues. For very big social media websites, phpFox is the most suited platform and aTeam Soft Solutions is the best developer. It also has some new expanded features that include support of multiple languages, RSS feeds, news feeds, chat systems, free plugins that are built-in, quiz and event management, forums and polls, profiles for users and also account managers, galleries that store photos, videos etc. Thus, phpFox has been the new trend and almost all big enterprises are going to aTeam Soft Solutions to have their social media managed and run with the help of this technology.

Technical Consultant at aTeam Soft Solutions | Marrying Ideas & Technology to scale business | helping SME's and start-up's define Digital Transformation strategies.

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