Synopsis- JavaScript framework is one of the most used languages in technology globally. The survey says that around 67.7% of the developers choose JS for its versatility on both backend and frontend.
In this feature, we’ll find out some of the incredible facts about the JavaScript framework alongside the selection process of it.
What is JavaScript Framework?
Popularity of JavaScript
JavaScript frameworks used by popular organisations
Various JavaScript frameworks
Best JavaScript framework for your apps
Factors of choosing Frontend JavaScript framework
Factors of choosing Backend JavaScript framework
How to choose a JavaScript Testing framework?
List of JavaScript Frameworks for creating effective mobile apps
How to Choose JavaScript Frameworks for creating mobile apps
What is Framework?
In the world of software development or programming, framework is a technical layered system showcasing the kind of programs, structure and their inter-relation. As an app itself, it takes all the necessary steps to make a user application on its own.
It can also be said as a set of technical templates or plans to avoid programming errors. It is used for multiple projects and mainstream in the web app process.
What is JavaScript Framework?
JS framework is an application and code libraries for the developers to use them conveniently for programming. They are used for creating websites or web pages irrespective of starting from scratch. It easily understands JavaScript and considers it a high-level machine language.
This framework is also popular for its device responsiveness and building interactive multimedia content. It can be further useful for gaming sections, server apps and much more.
Popularity of JavaScript
The popularity of JS increased over the years for its responsive elements. Things like menus, animations, video players, guides, and surprisingly basic in-browser games can be made rapidly and effectively with JavaScript. It has some of the interesting factors to become popular:
- Welcoming Language – as per the usage of the client and their website, 96.8% of the developers are operating via JS. In addition, node.js is also a “JavaScript runtime environment” that will permit you to use anywhere in the browser.
- Impact Community– JavaScript has contributed a lot in the field of programmers. This has left a powerful impact in the technology world. Seeing the growing result, it has then collaborated with Github. Also the huge community of developers created infinite articles on its programming system. Therefore, they have gathered a bundle of knowledge regarding increasing its community.
- Easy Learn– learning with JavaScript is quite simple. You need a knowledge of basic HTML and CSS along with a text editor and a browser for coding in less time. Its syntax is also very easy to adopt and natural unlike others.
There is also availability of a large amount of books, boot camps, online centres and tutorials for practical practice of JavaScript.
- Flexible character– its flexibility is such an ace that you can surely utilize it to assemble your back-end as you’re front-end. It saves time in terms of flexibility.
There are numerous structures that license us to effortlessly make the interface of the application like Angular, React, Vue, and etc.
For creating backend, it’s only relevant to know different programming languages, database, API and use of node.js. For frontend mobile, it’s important to utilise other frameworks like react native, Flutter or anyone.
- Renowned influencers– famous social media like Yahoo, Netflix, PayPal, and much more have built their web page on JavaScript. Browser extensions like HubSpot, Lastpass, and AdBlock + have made their history under the JavaScript language. Also everyone’s favourite Facebook always has a supportive team of React and React native for any change.
- Career opportunities– especially after the covid-19 condition, it has been found that demand arises for people skilled in JavaScript. As it has become more of a choice language, therefore most preferred by the developers to choose.

The preference for the language is because of its easy learning, and later it will be possible to start freelance or full time. There are multiple vacancies opening in the portal all the time to even start from the beginning of your career.
JavaScript frameworks used by popular organisations
Undeniably, JavaScript is everyone’s favourite scripting language. It has a capacity to utilise target prototypes and supports unidentified functions. Its simple using codes and impactful results forced some of the largest known companies to run on JavaScript that are as follows:
Microsoft– Microsoft has worked with JavaScript to create its edge web browser. They have maintained and developed their own JS Engine for Edge. MS has also built up an alternate option of Node JS alongside Edge Engine. They have also created a Node version for Internet of things (IOT) apps as its light and more effective.
PayPal– PayPal has clearly been utilizing JavaScript towards the frontend of their site for quite a while in the beginning. They were using Node JS for usual Java development. Later, it worked well that they started using it for production, client-facing apps and most running in account on Node. Afterwards, they created their own version named ‘Kraken JS’ that seems fond of JavaScript.
Netflix– similar to PayPal, Netflix is also using Node JS for its structure. Netflix has used the advantage of Node to break down pieces of their UI into separate services. This has increased the speed and eliminated the pressure on the server. Currently, a huge amount of Netflix is working on Node.
Uber– Uber has to deal with ample of data continuously 24*7. To handle those data, they have taken support from Node JS and JavaScript. They are now maintaining the data and requests coming in Uber rapidly. Node is acting as a mainstream to user facing stack for asynchronous activities.
Facebook– Facebook is incomplete without JavaScript. This will stop the functionality removing the JavaScript. FB has discovered its own JavaScript to load the page individually and smoothly. This means each page is a collective form of free JavaScript application. FB has also built React to create Instagram and WhatsApp.
Google– google search result and Gmail web client are working due to JavaScript. They have open source its own JS tools. AngularJS is used frequently in Google’s double click advertising platform and part of the MEAN stack.
Google’s most serious administrations, like Google Docs, use closure tools to order JavaScript into a lower-level quicker structure more appropriate for rich and profoundly responsive web applications.
Chrome also developed a JavaScript engine and furnished V8 to power it. It is the important part of Node JS and as said no Google, no Node.
EBay– eBay again is working on the Node JS for services and has begun to resettle the whole user facing stack to Node JS. Whatever you see on eBay is on Node now.
LinkedIn– LinkedIn is also trusting Node JS to clear its scaling issues and quick performance. Node also comforted the data sharing building APIs for its developers.
Uses of JavaScript Framework
JavaScript is a multi-model that maintains event-driven, dynamic and fundamental programming style. Its popularity is so huge that a developer designs a web page because of its responsiveness and effortlessness. Let’s take a look at some of its best usages:
- Web apps– there is so much improvement and development seen in the browsers in recent years. This is the reason for the popularity in favour of JavaScript for making robust web apps. For e.g. Google Maps can be used in just one click and the user will get all the details smoothly. Undoubtedly, there is a concept of JavaScript behind it and without it can be questionable.
- Website development– as we know that JavaScript is there to build up a web page. It grants permission to add appreciable features on to it. It applies for endorsements and support to resolve complexities. It also maintains the transparency between websites with visitors. This will also make it easy to load the content in a document without reloading the page.
- Mobile apps- mobile apps are an ongoing trend in every home and accessible via the internet. JavaScript is so strong that it can be used for creating both mobile apps and non-web contexts. React native is very popular in JavaScript which is not only used for making mobile apps but to create different operating systems. They don’t require writing various codes for the IOS and androids. It can be written once and run multiple times.
- Games- JavaScript has various libraries to build up games in 2D and 3D. Some creating engines include Physics JS, Pixi JS. WebGL is also used for rendering 2D and 3D images on browsers.
- Presentation- there are libraries such as Reveal JS and BeSpoke JS that are used for making presentations and web slide-deck. With the help of HTML and CSS, these work great in mobile and tabs. BeSpoke JS is responsible for putting bullets, scaling and multiple features.
- Server apps– javascript has the power to generate content and HTTP requests on server-side. It also runs through Node JS which gives important tools to run javascript on servers.
- Web servers– it can be done through Node JS and never allows for buffer and transfer chunks of data. HTTP created the server using CreateServer that executes the accessible of port 8080.
Various JavaScript frameworks

There are various types of javascript frameworks. Some are easily handled and some are complex in their own way. It depends upon the factors like its weakness and strength and importantly the need of the project. So before you get started with process, let’s take a look on each of its structure:
- React JS– it encourages the developers to write small elements and reuse it for different stations. This will increase the speed and will deduct the risk of code errors. This will also enhance the functionality in clean and readable codes. It was founded by Jordan Walke in 2013 and has the MIT license. It includes the benefits:
1. It consists of elements that are rendered specifically in DOM with an assistance of React DOM.
2. They serve for the basic single app page development. They also construct organised UI for interactive websites.
3. The performance of the app is high using the selective rendering and utilises methods like render and componentdidmount for permission of code execution.
4. It supports JavaScript XML (JSX) for mixing both JS and HTML. It also conveniently detects debugs and the testing process.
- Node.JS– Each web application submits various types of structures with everyone supporting a particular use case in the development cycle. There are three types of Node like MVC, Full stack MVC and REST API. About 68% of the developers are preferring Node for great extend and successful performance.
- Angular JS– it is frontend open source javascript found in 2010. It is for the convenient development for MVC and MVVM client side designs. It adds some its key benefits are:
1. It helps in encouraging a two-way process of binding. It also creates ecommerce apps and establishes real-time data apps for weather up gradation.
2. It provides better functionality for inserting into an HTML code. Its static documents are speedy and simple. Its present situation is understandable, expressive, and quick to create.
3. It offers an extraordinary extensibility and can be flexible to work with. It also has an inherent testability and assist for inherent injection.
- Vue JS– it was founded in 2014 by Evan You. It is especially important to frame the user interface (UI). It has its some of the advantages as below:
1. It upholds ES5-compliant browsers and has a bottom library i.e. agreeable and centres on the view layer. Additionally, it also carries other valuable libraries that can assist you with overseeing intricacies related to one-page applications.
2. This is the 2nd highest consecutive and approx. 40% of the developers chose to work with this JavaScript framework. This is also known for simple syntax and uses a single file component system. This has in-built MVC meaning quick configuration.
3. This also offers easy learning codes and a lightweight size of 18-20kb. Vue is blessed with documentation as any basic beginner of JavaScript can run Vue in a few hours. It can also be easily compiled into the previous app without any trouble.
- Ember JS– this is used for the level of enterprise scale creating single page apps. Ember was earlier known as “SproutCore 2.0” but later renamed as Ember by maker ‘Yehuda’. This is based on the pattern MVVM (model-view-view model) and has Ember Command- line interface tool for productivity.
1. It has given support to the global market like Microsoft, LinkedIn, Netflix and many others. In 2019, around 3.6% of the developers are using such a structure and 14% more are planning to adopt the same.
2. It has an understandable mechanism to work with APIs. It also provides Convention over Configuration (COC) which means directly coding and making web apps without much configuration. It has a support of rich documentation
- React JS– Preact.js is a lightweight, quick, and elite library. Its size is 3kb and offers all the functionalities without fail. Preact JS was built by Jason Miller. This is similar to the functionality of React and companies like Tencent, Uber or Lyft are using Preact. Around 21.5k live and 65k websites are built using Preact. Some of its key factors are:
1. This has a strong impact on command- line interface tools that will ease your work during new projects. It has advanced characters like ‘Linkstate Module’. This method is to improve state changes and be unfit for irrelevant codes.
2. This also uses ES6 API that means developers can comfortably transfer their work from React to this model between the projects.
3. Preact has also built renowned brands like Dominos, Financial Times, Dailymotion, and many others.
- Svelte.JS– This is a frontend open source written in ‘Typescript’. This was developed by Rich Harris in 2016 and witnessed a popularity thereafter. It has NO-virtual DOM and easy ‘boilerplate’ with HTML, CSS and JS codes. This will make the app’s performance fast and light. Its famous clients are Godaddy, RazorPay or NewYork Times and others. Some of its key points to remember are:
1. Svelte improved version 3 has a quality of reusable elements rapid and clear with low codes. It doesn’t require additional books of typescript or JSX to learn.
2. It is also light in size but gives excellent execution even without virtual DOM.
3. It endorses client side, server side renders and embraces SEO-friendly smoothly.
- Aurelia .JS– Aurelia is also a popular framework like Angular.JS. It is a Durandal inc. products and companies like Deloitte, Chegg and others used such structure to gain a hit in the market. This is a modern framework that works together for refined interfaces or swapping of components in web apps only. It has another features are:
1. It obeys Model-view approach and naming convention. It has a programming language of ES2015, ES5, ES2016 and Typescript.
2. It has a proposal of extensible HTML that can build custom HTML. This will support data binding, great loading and strong performance rendering.
3. This will also offer two-way data binding for efficient UI. This will also involve a minimum set of conventions for easy use and smart reconfigure.
- Backbone .JS– this is a lightweight structure that permits developing client side apps running in a web browser. It motions MVC systems that essence information into models, DOM (Document Object Model) into perspectives and ties these two utilizing occasions.
The tutorial of the Backbone is easy and comfy in its own way. It includes HTML, CSS, JavaScript and DOM (Document object model).
- Next.JS– This is an end-to-end server side render and static generator structure on React. This was developed by Dutch company Vercel in 2017. You can build apps for different platforms like desktop, web apps, mobile apps and progressive web apps.
Its main benefits are auto code split, hot code reload, auto route and in-built SEO. Its big users are Netflix, Github and more. In the JavaScript world, 24% of the developers are using this structure.
- Gatsby.JS– Its founder was Kyle Mathews and Sam Bhagwat in 2015. This is known for its advanced, resilient React and GraphQL based static site generator suitable for clean and SEO friendly static performance. It doesn’t support server-side render and pulls data from any data source.
It claims to deliver great performance, security and SEO during the generation of HTML content. Some of its key services are E-mail marketing, CMS, image optimisation, Google analytics, sitemaps, robot txt files or caching etc. Its used brands are Airbnb, NikeFigma and many others.
- Nuxt.JS– Its an open source progressive structure of Vue for server-side render apps and used by more than 11% of the developers. Its cons is not a full backend design nor can’t be work solitary. It rather can be an amalgamation of Vue components Vue, Vue router, Vuex, vue server render and vue Meta. Using Nuxt, you can build pre-rendered static page app, single page web app (SPA) or universal apps.
- Jest- Jest is developed by Facebook and it’s widely used for its simplicity. It is best suited with Selenium JavaScript automated testing for cross browser support. Around 61% of the developers opted to choose this structure for enhancement. Companies like Facebook, Instagram, and Spotify have used the framework.
- Mocha- Mocha is an asynchronous testing framework running on Node.JS. Its reports are usually correct and stretchable and support both BDD and TDD for automated testing. 42% of the JS developers loved using the structure. There are some of the prominent sites using the framework such as Accenture, Asana, Netlify, Triple Byte, Webflow and so many more.
- Jasmine– It is a springy JavaScript development testing framework and comparable to any other library. More than 28% of the developers have choose to use the frame and are popular within behaviour driven testing.
- Iconic.JS– this is an open source front end JavaScript library. It provides a library of mobile optimised HTML, CSS and JS elements for creating high performance apps. It has a speedy, caching and active SVG injection library. It also supports call back for auto injection and manual injection calls.
Some of its features involve responsive stack style SVG calculation, positioning, alignment aid, PNG fall back and cross border normalisation.
- Express JS– it is a well-like structure of Node library. It unifies with the ‘view’ render engine to produce responses through inserting data into templates. It positioned normal web application settings like the connecting port and the area of templates utilized for rendering the reaction. It also has an advantage of middleware packages to label almost any web development issues.
Best JavaScript framework for your apps
Unquestionably, with the quick rise and development in JavaScript and with the progression of time, new JavaScript systems are growing into the Advancement group. It sometimes becomes even tough for an exceptionally experienced engineer to pick the right JavaScript or Front-End system for their next enormous project.
So below are some of the highlights from the 3 popular frameworks that will help you to get through with the decision.

Factors of choosing Frontend JavaScript framework
User-experience is the first priority of any business in the market today. As a developer, you can focus on the easy UI and need of the project. Framework i.e. powerful yet simple will always be the high in demand for any developer as well as customer in the business.
So let’s quickly shed on the lights of some of the best fitted framework and its relevant points to remember while choosing for any frontend JavaScript framework:
- Server-side render: this will give better UX to the users especially in the field of mobile network. This will provide opportunity i.e. driven by content and lack of it. In this case, Angular will support your server-side render and version 2 will further give its help extensively.
- Flexibility– in the framework, there should be an option for a variety of configuration and customisation. For e.g. Angular has the capacity of flexibility to swap for components quickly compared to React, Vue or Aurelia.
- Progressive web apps- The Progressive upgrade is the spine of every model. It works all over the place, however these are supercharged in advanced browsers. Progressive Web Apps utilizes current web capacities to convey an application-like user experience. They develop from pages in browser tabs to vivid, high-level applications and keeping up with the web’s low friction at each second.
- Presentation and creativity– the overall performance should be well executed and in an upgraded version. It can depend upon the size and features that meet the business’s needs. The productivity of the framework should be opinionated and claims to deliver a perfect product.
- Upcoming updating– never forget to choose the framework that offers extensive features but to spend more time. This can later be seen as a slow performer and hamper of the business. Research well beforehand on the qualities of the structures like coding in less time, impactful features yet simple in learning and adapting ways. As a result, that framework will only shine in the future and in the upcoming projects seen at the market.

Backend framework and its 3 mostly used kinds
Backend frameworks are the structure of the server-side languages that will help in creating the server configuration of any sites. This is thus important to import the right technology for the development of websites. You can either affect your app utilization. Its 3 major used frameworks are:
- Express.JS– Express is a quick, sure, fundamental, and moderate web framework of Node.js. You can acknowledge expressing as a layer dependent on the most noteworthy place of the Node.js that deals with a server and routes. It gives a robust plan of segments to cultivate web and mobile applications. Its prominent features include:
1. It tends to be utilized to configure single-page, multi-page, and hybrid web apps.
2. It permits setting up middleware to react to HTTP Requests.
3. It characterizes a routing table that is utilized to perform various activities dependent on HTTP technique and URL.
4. It permits powerful delivery of HTML Pages dependent on passing contentions to templates.
- Next.JS– it comes under the framework of React that cultivates one-page JavaScript apps. This has proved beneficial for both users and the sake of the business. Its creation is extremely fast and can be considered as user friendly static sites. Also, this has a capacity to create a hybrid app which means server-render and static-generation page. Some of its other traits include:
1. It claims to give rich, great and rapid performance. It has a built-in page based routing system with support for active routes.
2. It has an advantage of a ‘pre-render’ system for both static generation (SSG) and server-side render that are assisted on a per-page basis.
3. It offers an automatic code split for fast-moving page loads. It also has a trump card of client-side route with improved prefetch.
4. It also has an authority of built-in CSS, Sass support and CSS-in-JS library. It has a development environment with rapid refresh help and complete enlargement.
5. It can construct API endpoints by API routes alongside server less duties.
- Nuxt.JS– Nuxt.js is a high-level framework that develops at the peak of Vue. It deals with the development of universal or single-page Vue apps. It abstracts away the ingredients of server and customer code distribution to get concentration on app development. The objective of the Nuxt is to have enough adaptability for you to use as a core project base. Its characteristics are:
1. Nuxt occurs during the development stage when you get plenty of provisions with a couple of additional kilobytes added to your JavaScript files.
2. It can be created on both client and server side or basically called ‘universal apps’ without any hassle. Using the Nuxt, it simplifies to divide the code among the client and the server to attend to app logic.
3. It also has an automatic code split to maintain the file size small and get special webpack configuration.
4. It also supports the auto-updating server and ES6/ES7 combo to achieve best output. It can also easily team up transitions between the routes and endorses single file components.
Factors of choosing Backend JavaScript framework
Backend is like the ‘brain’ of any website. It significantly centres on making, refreshing, and checking sites or web apps. So, let’s comprehend the factors that should be viewed before picking the back-end structure.
- Purpose– it is very important for the developer to know the motive behind its use. Accordingly, they can channelize the tools and framework later. Framework is not required in the case of the URL only. It will be highly effective if it runs on CRUD or the creation of CMS within 2-3 days but only in case of knowledge of the framework.
- Pattern– generally, most of the frameworks are installed with MVC (Model-view-controller). This supports the programmers to compose better codes by separating the data: the model, the logic: the controller, and the UI: the view from one another. In any case, an IT firm can likewise plump for top site frameworks that utilizes the distinguished patterns like MVP, MVA and AVC.
- Install– before moving to any framework, this step is crucial for any developer to consider. The process of installation should be easy and fast even in the case of testing and deployment of the app. It is a rule of every IT firm to see the backend contains comfort set up and run smoothly.
- Library– there are some of the web frameworks that are built as libraries of libraries like Pylon. You can swap the part anytime using such types of libraries. All the top websites use the library featuring AJAX, Authentication, Authorization, Caching, Data sanitization, data validation, templates, URL maps and rewrite. Avoid repetitive codes and controlled characteristics.
- Document– select a framework that has detailed information and documentation technicalities like snippets etc. all the higher websites working with the framework have the well-defined documentation beforehand. This will increase the clients and reduce confusion between the parties.
- Others– other technical specification is must in case of selecting a backend structure. Other features include easy tutorials, hosting ingredients, JS library, project size, AB abstraction and ORM, unit testing, scaling, community, creation and availability, fixing bugs and importantly price of the project.
How to choose a JavaScript Testing framework?
There are plenty of options available in the world of JavaScript. Similarly it is also relevant to understand about the testing framework and its significance. A testing framework is a tool that will serve unit testing.
It should have rules for composing experiments and arranging them in test suites. It must intend to automatically execute and self-grade the tests. Conclusion of the tests should be shown and organized.
There are 5 types of JavaScript testing tools i.e. worth reading it before adapting:
1. Mocha– it runs on both Node and in the browser. This popular framework was launched in 2011 and makes asynchronous testing easy. It has an adaptable configuration that will allow it to pair with any library based on functionality.
2. Puppeteer– it comes under the framework of Node.JS. It permits a user to command a headless chrome or chromium browser. Accordingly it automates the test to perform manually on a regular browser.
3. Jasmine– this is a JavaScript based on BDD (behaviour driven development) testing. This includes built-in assertions and test doubles with spies. It is also adaptable and can be unifies simply with additional testing instruments.
4. Qunit– Qunit is the real section of the jQuery programming language and was built by John Resig in 2008. It is that part of the generic framework that can examine any JS codes including both client and server-side surroundings.
5. Jest– this testing framework is simple and has no configuration. It will start your page without any complexity or additional tools. This is used for examining React apps but you can also use it in other frameworks.

Below are some of the mainstream points that needs to be remember as per the criteria of the testing framework:
- Estimate-estimating the framework based on its cost and install is relevant. The criteria should be downloaded and used for free. Using NPM, the installation task is easy. So in both the categories together, Qunit and Jasmine is a win-win in JavaScript framework.
- Setup– when we talk about the commencing setup, the Jest framework will always come first in row. It claims to have zero and optional configuration usage. But things will not be running smoothly without using a configuration.
- Learning– Jest again comes with a huge API and does not require a third party tool. Jest definitely presents a less steep expectation to learn and adapt.
Therefore, after learning the facts about testing frameworks, Jest is best of all compared to others.
List of JavaScript Frameworks for creating effective mobile apps

JavaScript systems are intended to fabricate mobile applications in an acute and effortless path. JavaScript framework is known for creating effective mobile apps. Developers having keen knowledge of HTML and CSS can showcase their talent to develop robust mobile apps.
JavaScript can uplift across IOS, Android and Windows taking into account their adequacy, less expense, unprecedented community support, and lower assumption to learn and adjust. Analyse the below JS frameworks and its trademarks that can built a successful mobile apps:
- React Native– React Native is one of the favourite frameworks in the circle of developer’s group. With its features like ethical speed, great UI, enough capacity, worthiness cost and less learning quality; it is the talk of the town in every mobile app development industry. There are some of its more features to add taste contribution:
1. It adds a significant library of React elements to create quick apps. It has also joined the parts in Swift, Objective-C and Java.
2. It also has an evolution of codes with some pieces in React Local and some with native code. It also has support and compatibility with third party plugins.
3. It also carries IOS and Android with a solitary codebase around the platforms. It presents a reactive interface to have a uniformly operating app.
- Xamarin– Xamarin is a .NET based body that is possessed by Microsoft and meant to develop native and elevated performances. It combines beautifully with modern day elements, backend service and native APIs to design sophisticatedly for Android, IOS, macOS, watchOS and windows. Some of its prominent traits includes:
1. It is assembled for native execution and has talented library support for getting to 2D plans and native APIs from shared code.
2. It also normalises cross-platform UI with Xamarin. Forums. It also has a group supporting numerous contributors and associations.
3. There is an advantage of a versatile backend system with wise logical apparatuses.
- Ionic- It is also a single codebase structure that can run anywhere with writing once. It is that type of JavaScript which has a full app development kit distinct to execution, design and animation. Its features are as follows:
1. It reuses UI parts for a wide range of cell phones and creates responsive and instinctive apps for mobile gadgets.
2. It maintains a consistent framework, live reload, incorporations and cross platform expansion.
3. It also boosts up the library of front-end building blocks, reforms strengths and speeds up an ideal opportunity to showcase.
- Native Script – This is an open source cross platform that can be built with JavaScript, Angular, Vue or typescript. It helps the arrangement of native Android and iOS mobile apps and decreases the progression time and lines of code for the most part. Some of its hidden but impactful features are:
1. It has access to all types of Android, IOS APIs, free plugins, app patterns and templates.
2. It has a simple course of learning, lifting the capability used in JavaScript, CSS and native UI mark-up.
3. It has an incredible support from the community initiated by worldwide projects.
- Angular.JS– it is that open source web and mobile app structure influence to help the development and testing of apps alongside MVC and MVVM. Its highlights are Plug and play elements, native like exposure for hybrid mobile apps and directives. Key features are:
1. It has sharp and simple code components and a two-way data binding.
2. It has a customized gadget development and an expansion of reusable code with directives.
3. It adds viable segments like switches, overlays, sidebars and so forth.
- Adobe Phonegap – It’s an open source framework built in JavaScript API. It develops a relationship with the native segments of phones and the OS. It has a tremendous and robust backend for the straightforward development of native mobile applications. Its features involves:
1. It has reach to device hardware and display of valuable libraries.
2. It gives simple and basic development with stage compatibility.
3. You will also get IDE with an in-built emulator.
- jQuery Mobile– this is a JavaScript programming and a leading HTML based UI structure. This is launched on jQuery core and claims lightweight size with an easy yet powerful API. Some of its interesting factors are:
1. It creates single extraordinary quality sites and apps that can work reliably on devices and stages. It is also a touch- streamlined web system.
2. This can simply be comparable with other mobile systems and provide experience like Native.
3. It can be adaptable and based on theme oriented designs.
- Mobile Angular UI– This JavaScript framework creates mobile through Angular JS and Bootstrap. It forwards certain key mobile parts that aids the creation of top-notch mobile apps. Factors includes:
1. It involves HTML5 hybrid mobile apps and desktop apps. It also has an expansion of Bootstrap structure.
2. Mobile parts like switches, sidebars, overlays, and scrollable regions.
3. It is a convenient development framework that uses Angular to make a bold mobile app.
- Sencha Touch– it is now mixed with Sencha ext.JS to build cross platform mobile apps. It consists of well-tried and great execution of UI elements like HTML5 calendar, D3 adapters, trees, and others. Features involves:
1. It Speeds up mobile and web advancement easily. It gives admittance to a gathering of proficient Sencha apparatuses.
2. It is adaptable, suitable to code and provides responsive touch highlights.
3. Its robust data bundle is associated with different backend sources and presents a rapid speed for any mobile application.
- Appcelerator Titanium– they are using JavaScript with HTML5 and CSS3. It backs the large group of mobile developers that can build mobile apps from a singular codebase. It applies JavaScript-based SDK with various APIs for numerous stages. Key factors includes:
1. MVC app structure proposing a basic model to individualize the layers. It also grants real-time analytics via a solitary platform.
2. Access to speedy prototyping and one JavaScript based SDK.
3. It develops the community’s help and has proficient code modules for lesser coding time.
- Meteor– This is a single codebase to make apps for any device easily, effectively and measurably. It uses an extensive and consolidated JavaScript stack that associates in offering more with low coding included. Its prominent factors includes:
1. It provides consistent mix with other front-end structures and entrance to Meteor accomplices for application development and preparation.
2. It also efforts quick prototyping and full-stack arrangement,
3. It uses similar codes in frontend and backend.
- Backbone JS– this structure is based on MVC app design and proved as a backbone of a project. This lightweight framework is ideal for creating one-page apps and offering simple frontend structure for better functionality.
1. It individualizes the business and UI logic layer and will give admittance to 100+ accessible extensions.
2. It presents a delicate reliance on jQuery and hard reliance on Underscore.js and offers an assortment of building blocks like perspectives, models, routers, and many more.
3. It concentrates data into models and DOM into perspectives.
- Ember JS– this open source client-side JavaScript is known for developing complex mobile apps. It consists of fastboot.js for raising things up and ember.js for two-way binding. The exhaustive solution usually comprises app stream and data management. Key features involves:
1. It is responsible for rendering at high speed. It concentrates more on development efficiency.
2. This has made the JS app supportable and reusable.
3. This has made the routes for URL management and in perception of the MVVM designs.
- Tabris JS– Tabris.js is a simple, quick, and safe structure for the creation of mobile apps from a singular code developed operating JavaScript. Tabris is not difficult to get if developers are knowledgeable with PhoneGap or Ionic. It gives a protected runtime surrounding the app with extreme privacy and wellbeing. Key factors are:
1. There is no acceptance of web views for UI render except native devices.
2. It influences existing JavaScript libraries like Cordova modules. It has thus worked with bundling apps locally and on the cloud.
3. It makes an assortment of charts and accessibility of online build services.
- Fuse– This simple and lightweight structure helps to make cross platform apps. It passes on no DOM conditions and consequently can be used for back-end benefits as well. It keeps your JavaScript code spotless and tiny. Factors are:
1. This has executed the common module framework and degraded to mistakes.
2. Code is an effectively readable, composable and more young group support.
3. It uses UX mark-up language to aggregate to native code.
- Onsen UI– this strong and free open source framework is packaged up with prepared execution highlights with native nature. This is especially for creating hybrid apps with Cordova and progressive web apps. Its 3-layers includes; CSS components, structure bindings and web elements. Features includes:
1. This is comparable with AngularJS and Angular 2+, React, jQuery, and Vue.
2. It Comprises of a different set of enhanced UI parts and performs well with Monaca, a solid tool that eases troublesome undertakings. Also this is a natively made UI element.
3. This works so well with any structure and smoothes out development.
How to Choose JavaScript Frameworks for creating mobile apps
Today JavaScript is utilized on both, customer and server- sides. It helps to plan an advanced user- experience with various components adjusting mobile pages in real-time. JavaScript is the most favoured language for fast mobile application development.
It fills in as an ideal frame for single page applications that permits engineers to concentrate totally on interface components, permitting to grow JS capacities. Below are some of the most used JavaScript framework and its advantages and disadvantages for better understanding:
- React Native– this widely used framework for cross platform mobile apps launched in 2015 by Facebook. Apps built in React can reuse codes maximum times on both IOS and android.
1. It guarantees 85% reusability of the centre codebase to ensure superfast application improvement.
2. It provides a real native client experience on Android and iOS.
3. It accompanies a pack of immediately usable formats and parts of application projects.
4. It is famous and used in a successful brand globally.
5. It has a robust pool of testing, troubleshooting instruments and hot reload provisions to guarantee simpler turn of events and updates.
1. It does not present a clear picture of framework-like ways for developers.
2. Developers later have to switch to native technologies as it uses around 25-30% native codes.
3. It depends a lot on outsider APIs to fuse diverse application highlights.
- Ionic – this lightweight structure meant for web and hybrid mobile app development. It adds a feature of writing code once and runs numerous times anywhere.
1. It is used to make the platform freely with great execution of UI.
2. It also has easy UX that grants permission to native platform SDKs and APIs of each OS.
3. This is utilized as a noted web language like JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. There are also not many ingredients required to rewrite codes around each stage.
4. It is highly measurable and can stack up the ability to keep the consistency in requirement.
1. It will deliver every feature like native apps.
2. This does not have the feature of hot reload and thus it needs to be refreshed.
3. It doesn’t have native performance therefore it can create problems with real time.
- jQuery– the USP of this UI based structure is its tiny size, powerful theme and easily used API for hybrid and web apps.
1. It is an independent app performing in all stages like IOS, android, windows and web.
2. It guarantees a profoundly responsive look and feels by tending to various screen sizes and goals.
3. It allows making custom topics by using the tool named Theme Roller that incorporates composing not a solitary line of code.
1. It is only convenient for simple app UI or default themes using Theme Roller.
2. This will work for base JS systems but not good enough for cross platform native development.
- Adobe Phonegap/Cordova– This robust JavaScript comes with the powerful frontend and backend framework. It is ideally fit for a low budget project and does not require extra abilities.
1. It is a single robust library for creating cross platform mobile apps.
2. It has both frontend and backend for app development.
3. It is simple for carrying out updates as solitary change is reflected at the same time across platforms.
4. It is an exceptionally practical technology as an application venture can save connecting a great deal of native and platform explicit assets.
1. It has a cross compilation of codes which will make the hybrid apps slower.
2. It is not compatible with other plugins on all platforms.
3. Some plugins possibly work with Cordova in case of altered and diverse features.
- Angular JS– this robust JavaScript framework is popularly used in making web apps and mobile apps. Its MVC and MVVM features can develop high executive native apps that claim to run on numerous platforms.
1. It permits quick app prototyping.
2. It lowers a complex development in a pathway, dissimilar to JavaScript libraries like React, Backbone, and Knockout.
3. It has a great extent to code reusability.
4. It has a container of testing apparatuses and highlights of fixing debuggers.
5. It is reliant on injection help.
6. It has a two-way data binding to help data streaming.
1. It needs a learning curve for creating complex apps.
2. Fresher can find it difficult to work with some of its complicated features.
3. Sometimes it can also be difficult to tackle with the debuggers using the structure.
4. Its documentation and directives are lengthy and unmanageable.
5. It will present a limited edition of router connections.
Inference to the topic
From the above portrayal, it is proved that every JavaScript structure has its own baggage of advantages and disadvantages, and none is flawless. Therefore, it would be better to pick a JavaScript structure for your application project depending on your feature insight, size, financial plan and assets accordingly.
How Ateam can help?
Are you still in the dilemma of choosing the correct JavaScript framework for your app development?
Contact us on [email protected] as we are committed to play ahead in the game and will work for your profit skilfully with our experts.