Hire Node js Developers


The Node js team of aTeam Soft Solutions is one of the best teams to handle all your Node needs.
Node.js is a JavaScript platform built for creating fast and scalable web applications. To
boost its performance and efficiency, Node.js uses an event-based asynchronous I/O
framework which also gives it the edge for processing and scalability. This platform is
specially built for real-time applications that are data intensive for executing through
distributed devices. While technically it is known as Node.js, it is also commonly called

In simple words, Node js allows developers to build applications that require JavaScript to
run on both client and server side. It is mainly used to unify the language used in client and
server side instead of using different languages which will lead to conversion complexities.
Even if the code is written in a single language, Node is capable of running on multiple
platforms. Node being open-source opens the door to many opportunities for the
developers to create and experiment. As a bonus for the Node js developers, the platform is
easy to install and run locally.

Then what is the difference between PHP and Node? In PHP, most commands are executed
only after the completion of the previous command, that is, most commands in PHP are
blocking. In Node, commands are executed concurrently or in parallel, that is, commands in
Node are non-blocking. In the case of command execution failures in Node, callbacks are
used. A major advantage over PHP is that applications have quick scalability options in
Node. Hence, you can see that there are huge differences between these two platforms. So
make sure not to give Node development works to your PHP developer.

Many top companies and corporates such as GoDaddy, IBM and Microsoft use Node.js
technology in their networks. This shows you the importance that Node plays in the modern
networking age. Node applications easily run on commonly used server systems including
Windows, OSX and Linux. The platform also supports modern technologies such as cloud as
Node provides immense support in the form of cloud scalability options. Using Node
alongside cloud allows it to easily scale web programs accordingly.

One of the primary advantages of Node is that it has a large community driven to add extra
abilities to Node programs. This means that you have access to a wide range of the latest
tools and frameworks that can be used in Node for additional firepower. Using Node means
that you are always up to date with technology as you do not need to upgrade to a new
platform as the traffic grows. This is where the magic word of Node called ‘scalability’ comes into play.

Created by Ryan Dahl in 2010, Node.js requires a certain amount of expertise to handle the
technology. This is why you need to hire Node js developers. Even if it is easier and cheaper
to host Node programs when compared with other similar applications, only Node js
experts can handle its development. The Node js team of aTeam Soft Solutions is one of the best
teams to handle all your Node needs. Begin your Node js development by logging on to
aTeam Soft Solutions.com.

Technical Consultant at aTeam Soft Solutions | Marrying Ideas & Technology to scale business | helping SME's and start-up's define Digital Transformation strategies.

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