

Git and GitHub have paved the way for better web development and they have revolutionised the way developers work. The underlying concept is that of networking and sharing. GitHub facilitates a centralised location that is cloud-based. This facilitates storing, sharing, publishing, testing and collaboration of projects. Git has changed and advanced the version control system. This system is useful when there are a large number of developers working on the project. It primarily provides developers with a platform to share prototypes and collaborate with one another. In addition, the developers can build upon each other’s code. GitHub is not just beneficial for developers but equally so for the stakeholders. They get the opportunity to have a test run and determine the progress for themselves. Git is an online web-based platform where developers can connect and work on projects in unison.

How is Git beneficial to a developer?

  • Git can be seen as an online cataloguing system in the sense that developers, designers, programmers etc. can store their projects in this system and be updated of the changes happening in it. Since it is cloud based, it facilitates real-time collaboration between teams of developers.
  • Since it is open source, it is free as well. It is readily available. It can also be downloaded but without being charged. It provides the option of downloading the code and working on it.
  • Usually, there is a lot of confusion when there is more than one person working on the same file. This is avoided by Git. Collaboration is very simple, that is, when a programmer puts up a code, other developers will have access to it and can make changes to it. Even in such a scenario, they will be isolated from each other and the individual versions will be kept intact.  
  • Controlling versions of code are also easier with Git. Whenever an edit is made to a code, Git will take a snapshot of this new change. This will create a copy of the previous version of a code and helps in tracking all the changes. You can always go back to the old or previous version.

aTeam Soft Solutions is able to maintain the best GitHub team because it is designed in such a way that the developers have a great deal of control over the work that is being done. aTeam Soft Solutions has a directory that has recorded all the changes and current states of different files that can be accessed by other developers that have access. This helps aTeam Soft Solutions to acquire the insights and expertise of other developers thereby increasing the overall efficiency. Branching feature of Git also enables aTeam Soft Solutions to carry out their coding in an organised way. Parts of the code can be worked on in isolation. This prevents breaking of the master code. The code that is being worked on can be made into its own or can be merged back into the original branch. There is an enriched database where the developers can have access to all the commits or changes ever made to the master code. These functions have enabled aTeam Soft Solutions to be one of the top GitHub developers.

Technical Consultant at aTeam Soft Solutions | Marrying Ideas & Technology to scale business | helping SME's and start-up's define Digital Transformation strategies.

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