Build Your MVP with aTeam Soft Solutions

One thing that is common about successful businesses like Spotify, Uber, Instagram etc. is that they have all used a Minimum Viable Product at one point in their development. A minimum viable product is a basic version of a product that only has few sets of features usually for specific users in order to have a speedy launch in the market. The main aim of the MVP is to deliver a quick product in less time while at the same time reducing the costs involved in development. This is mainly done to acquire data and feedback that can be used to make modifications to the product in future. aTeam Soft Solutions has completed many MVP projects which have ultimately ended up to be successful products.

Often businesses and startups depend on investments and external funding. For this, you have to pitch in an idea first. The investors must be able to repose their confidence in the product. aTeam Soft Solutions can deliver you an MVP that will ensure the investors that the product will earn good revenue, reduce the check out times etc. It will prove the market validity of the product to the investors. Since MVP is fully functional in spite of being a minimum version of the product itself, the investors get to see a physical product. Stakeholders are only interested in products they can use and understand and one that can be easily launched into the market and get steady and rapid returns without having to wait much.

aTeam Soft Solutions also gives you a great opportunity to test your business idea. Not all ideas will do well in the market. With an MVP, you can see If your product idea is market validated. They can understand how their target audience will respond. It will be a product with only core features and not the final product. With the market reaction, you will get more direction as to where to take your product next. Once the product is launched into the market, you get insight into what demographic of people are more attracted to your product and how they behave with the product. You can then customise the product to suit these potential customers. If you launch a full-blown product, it is going to be difficult to change or make modifications as it would require an entire process of rebuilding. A great example of an MVP turned into a success is Instagram. It is a photo-sharing application as we know it now. When it was launched, it was mainly themed around a GPS feature. This was later changed based on market response.

With aTeam Soft Solutions’s MVP services, it is all about checking whether your idea will click or not. It is a way to understand what the market wants. Initially, when you have an idea, it might seem practical and look like it fulfils the needs of your potential customers. But this is often not the case. There might be a situation where your product is not needed in the market or there are other products that can do the same service as yours. With an MVP, you learn to make your product unique and wanted by the customers.

Technical Consultant at aTeam Soft Solutions | Marrying Ideas & Technology to scale business | helping SME's and start-up's define Digital Transformation strategies.

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