AWS Engineers for $20/hr from aTeam Soft Solutions


With technology being so advanced, there are millions of software developing companies popping up every day. However, there is something that makes aTeam Soft Solutions different. Apart from their talent and expertise, they are also preferred because they care for the needs of businesses, both small and big alike. Software development is generally a very expensive affair. There are no companies that can provide you with the best quality services at a reasonable rate. However, not using a technology like AWS or Amazon Web Services is not an option. It is one of the best technologies that has been discovered and has led many businesses into success.

Small businesses can benefit from AWS because it is cost-effective. Since you only pay for what you use, unnecessary expenses like infrastructure cost can be totally avoided. You also do not have to invest in the management or administration of the system. Thus, one can work on running the business and bringing out better projects. Also, cloud computing makes work easier. There are features like document sharing and desktop virtualization, which enables you to work from the cloud itself. It thereby gives you access anywhere and at absolutely anytime. AWS also facilitates effective electronic commerce. Sales and retails solution will not make you spend a lot anymore. AWS comes with the whole package of hosting, order processing, financial transactions, etc. With AWS, you will not have to pay to hire somebody to do this for you. Each order detail is automatically tracked into the inventory. Even if small businesses are not familiar with the functioning of AWS, they will be able to use t efficiently. AWS automatically provides you with the following functions, which leaves you nothing much to worry about.

  • Deployment is made easy
  • Automatic scaling
  • Monitoring the process
  • Automatic load balancing.

Storing data is also no longer a hazard. Small businesses churn out a lot of data just like big ones. These can be stored on-site itself. You will not have to pay extra for data management or storing. Migration is also an unavoidable feature. AWS comes with in-built tools for this, which makes the process simple. AWS is flexible on both mobile as well as web devices. They can thereby access their services irrespective of the device. It also helps to make the application more mobile screen friendly. Now security has always been a major concern of businesses shifting to a cloud base. However, AWS has a strong security program that prevents all possible threats. Their data centers are consistently monitored and maintained. They also have an immense backup capability so that you never lose your data. Ultimately, AWS provides you with flexibility, agility, automatic scaling, and security at an affordable rate. Both big and small scale businesses can now benefit from their services.

aTeam Soft Solutions are the top AWS engineers. Not every company can apply such technology to a project at a reasonable cost. aTeam Soft Solutions does this because their best AWS engineering team adopt the best practices in AWS.

Technical Consultant at aTeam Soft Solutions | Marrying Ideas & Technology to scale business | helping SME's and start-up's define Digital Transformation strategies.

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