JAVASCRIPT, Simplified

Bijin Azeez

Technical Consultant at aTeam Soft Solutions | Marrying Ideas & Technology to scale business | helping SME's and start-up's define Digital Transformation strategies.

Posts by Bijin Azeez:


JAVASCRIPT, Simplified

Posted on: 29 Nov 2019

JavaScript has been called the language of the web because every website you land on, there would be a use of this programing language in a meaningful way to make the web page interactive. Each website has tons of files included. Let us take a basic website as an instance. Your website is going to […]

G-commerce Ateam

Introducing G-Commerce, a Better Alternative to E-Commerce

Posted on: 22 Oct 2019

  For the past few years, e-commerce has continuously been the leading force and money earner in the consumer market place. With e-commerce, businesses can sell their products online. This can be goods as well as services. Initially, businesses were required to purchase software with complicated setup and hire in-house software engineers to maintain it. […]

G-Commerce aTeaIndia

Why G-Commerce?

Posted on: 17 Oct 2019

  With the sudden expansion of mobile technologies and advancement in the consumer industry, stores have also experienced a digital shift from their retail shops. E-commerce is just like other business but combining three elements together, mainly, a web server that will provide the front-end component of the business and, at the same time, provide […]


WooCommerce is One of the Best E-Commerce Platforms

Posted on: 14 Oct 2019

  E-commerce has been a big trend in the consumer industry and will continue to be so for a long time. Going to retail shops are no longer preferred and is rarely resorted to. With development of many e-commerce websites, there is immense competition and every e-commerce startup has to be unique, offering the customers […]


WooCommerce – Why We Should Use It

Posted on: 10 Oct 2019

  With its collaboration with aTeam Soft Solutions, WooCommerce is one of the best e-commerce platforms. There are many e-commerce platforms these days to cater to the ever-increasing number of e-commerce startups. But often, these platforms charge a hefty fee. Thus, WooCommerce is a great platform for startups that has just been created because of […]


Free On-site Meetings at UAE, Asia and Australia

Posted on: 08 Oct 2019

  Communication is the very basis of software development nowadays. Before coding and creating a website and applications, there is a lot of processes and stage building that goes into it. A client will have certain expectations and specifications as to how the structure of the website or application should be. These have to be […]

Vue js aTeamIndia

Vue.js 3 vs Vue.js 2

Posted on: 05 Oct 2019

Vue JS keeps evolving and Vue JS 3 is the latest. Vue JS 3 and Vue JS 2 go along a similar line. However, there are significant changes in both. While Vue JS 3 has maintained some of the functionalities of Vue JS 2, some revolutionary changes have been incorporated. aTeam Soft Solutions is a […]


15 Dollars Per Hour for CodeIgniter Redesigns

Posted on: 03 Oct 2019

CodeIgniter is a prominently used PHP framework for making web applications and websites incorporating innovation. It is also widely used for building e-commerce stores. In spite of having a big set of libraries, it is very lightweight. It also enables comprehensive web development. aTeam Soft Solutions is one of the best developers in CodeIgniter. They […]

React JS

Best Features in React JS

Posted on: 30 Sep 2019

aTeam Soft Solutions utilises some of the best features of React JS for their development services. Declarative React is known to produce user interfaces that are interactive for both websites as well as mobile applications. All you have to do is make simple views for each state and React can automatically upload and render as […]

Who Should Use Cesium?

Posted on: 26 Sep 2019

CesiumJS is the most recent and great technological discovery to happen in the mapping platform. It is a 3D geospatial platform making globes virtually. The idea is that of a web-based globe and map so that visualising data is easier. What makes Cesium stand out is its great performance, precise results, quality of visuals, use, […]

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