Synopsis– Picking up the right structure for your web can be fascinating. Subject to the product, the necessities and required features will surely change. And when a framework looks at those exact requirements and highlights, your web foundation will run flawlessly. Both Vue and Angular are JavaScript frameworks that are similar in the terms of language construction and help the web planners to build strong applications.
In this feature, we’ll cover all the topics related to Vue.js and Angular for front-end framework in web with respect to high demand and its resilience.
Overview of front-end frameworks: ANGULAR and VUE
Position of Angular and Vue in 2021
Difference between Angular and Vue
Angular and Vue Compare with other frameworks
Suitable framework for frontend development: Angular or Vue
Advantages and disadvantages: Angular and Vue
Testing an app: Angular and Vue
Is Angular and Vue protected ?
User experience: Angular vs Vue
Selection scenario: Angular and Vue
Top global websites built with ‘Angular and Vue’
Overview of front-end frameworks: ANGULAR and VUE
Overview of Angular– this is an open source JavaScript framework. It is that elite typescript used for creating inter-connected and huge functionality applications. Angular comes under the category of front-end and operates independently in hardware and software. It has an advantage of ‘reusable codes’ and in-built tools for targeting deployment, speed and doesn’t damage the size. It also has an effective UI architecture.
Angular was first delivered in 2016, followed by a rephrase of the 2010 AngularJS. The application system was created by ‘Misko Hevery’ and others at Google. It is the same group taking care of the system today along with other engineers.
Overview of Vue.js– this is known for its developing and flexible open source front-end technology. They have advanced web tools for contemporary SPAs. It offers decent designs and permits changes during manufacturing an app without affecting any core feature and this gives the chance to make a reformist UI.
It gives the opportunity to expand the functions with customized modules and visual components. This framework was created by ‘Evan You’ in 2014. Interestingly, he himself declared the structure was inspired by Angular in Google.
Position of Angular and Vue in 2021
As per the Stack overflow’s survey, after the growth of React, the popularity of Vue has risen. But to tackle the heavy and large UI apps smoothly, Angular has become preferable in recent years.
In 2019, 30% of the developers are adopting Angular for their projects while only 15% of the developers have taken Vue.
That’s why, before coming to the conclusion, let’s take a look at some of the key elements during development elaborately:
1. Binding data- Angular has a bonus of two way process and enhances asynchronous services. It upholds programmers attempting to join components which were previously built by outside parties.
On the other hand, Vue has a one- way data control and works with information streams easily. It improves an important app fast and simple. For the asynchronous services, there are programmers to look into the libraries.
They both use similar kinds of models for the binding process. Besides, there is single difference in variable declaration i.e. Angular utilizes the equals (=) to allocate values whereas Vue puts a colon (:).
2. Typescript– capable programmers in JavaScript shouldn’t have an issue getting Typescript, amateurs might take it as troublesome. Learning a typescript in Angular will be a sensible decision as it is perpendicular structure, resources and other documentation are based on it.
It is good for static measuring the advanced applications. It will save time and risk of errors. Contrary, Vue has typescript support and not much for learning experience and used material. It is considered to be the pure typescript stage in time.
3. Execution– developers tend to choose Angular for fast speed performance. It sets the benchmark of performing well even in front of watchers to evaluate the project. Whereas Vue also gives competition to Angular for its fast speed and setting goals.
4. Adaptability– programmers pick Angular for its flexible features. It has a framework without any limitations in general tasks. But contrasting its fixed attributes, developers have to work in a certain way with adaptation of identical rules. Vue is also flexible like Angular.
5. Multiplex– creating a compound application with angular is additional tedious and time taken as contrasted to Vue. Angular is also more complicated than Vue, both in formation and APIs. Its documentation is also complex compared to Vue as someone fresher can’t pick up Angular development so quickly.
Vue on the other side is manageable and developers can easily make a one page app using languages like JavaScript, HTML, and CSS within quick turnaround time.
6. Unification– both Angular and Vue are comfortable to unify the project. Angular is compatible with the other JavaScript libraries whereas Vue can be amalgamated with many front end libraries.
7. Variable declaration syntax- as it’s mentioned above that Angular uses equals (=) and Vue uses colon (:). In Angular, for building distinctive variables, object, array, array of objects are all common. Applying a variable in the UI with double curly braces will modify the feature.
Difference between Angular and Vue

These days, fabricating an economical website is primarily reliant upon the tasteful of your (UI) with the utility nearby. Also, there are so many front- end options available in the market. It is hard for developers to pick good for the business.
Therefore, before choosing the correct technology, it is necessary to read below the entire subject related content based on comparison of Angular and Vue.
- Proportion– for the lightweight application, it is better to choose Vue.js because it has a border line for framework. But when you want more in the framework, best to choose Angular from the beginning.
- Render– both Angular and Vue proves propriety in the rendering process. They are both support ‘server-side-rendering’ (SSR). It represents website page content on the server instead of the browser on the customer side. The resulting relationship totally relies upon whole rendered customer-side data. it also impacts on increasing SEO speed.
- Execution– A significant piece of picking the right tech stack is understanding the trade-off thought for software assessments. It might be a confusing situation that Angular can provide good performance but as Vue is considered to be lightweight, it is faster in execution.
- Area– the two frameworks rely upon JavaScript which has an authentic flood of website specialists that might discover mutual consent in the languages instead of singular design. Hence here also the category result is null.
- Knowledge– there are many tools and syntaxes involved in the field of Angular. Therefore it is difficult to grab Angular. Whereas Vue is a small version of Angular and it is simple to get to its core.
- Recruitment– due to their popularity and usage, it is yet again hard to tell which has more recruiting process. JavaScript experts can go from the low to senior level position, it depends upon the requirement of the business to adopt the best fitted framework. There is zero consistency in deciding more in a specific field.
Angular and Vue Compare with other frameworks

There are an enormous number of front-end structures accessible in the market with various qualities and drawbacks. This might be uncertain to choose the one you ought to put your time in learning, or reasonable for your next project. to read further on the best front end frameworks, refer our blog
With the rapid growth in JavaScript, it is important to know other 7 frontend frameworks regarding it and compare it. With this detail, we’ll also come to know the advantages and disadvantages of other libraries. So let’s not waste time to get deep into this for future benefits:
# REACT– this framework was launched by Facebook in 2013 and known to be the easy form of JavaScript. This popular frontend is meant for nurturing fix codes in addition to features in it. It has a virtual Document object model (DOM) offering outstanding usefulness. It is ideal for creating single page web app UI and PWAs in less time.
a. Reuse of sections and for other parts of an app.
b. Compatible and intact execution with the utilization of virtual DOM
c. It permits you to compose segments without classes and allows you to learn to respond more without any issues.
d. They have advanced technology and more utility.
a. It can create problems for the fresher for its continuous updates and thus can impact documentations and learning capacity.
b. In starting with the structure, developers find it difficult to understand the complication of the JSX.
c. It only includes frontend solutions.
# JQUERY– this is one of the initial time frameworks launched in 2006 and known for its relevance and simplicity even in today’s tech world. It has an enough community for the structure and doesn’t require much of an extensive JavaScript code.
The new improvement in this structure empowers developers to fabricate native mobile applications. Its HTML5-based UI framework- jQuery Mobile is browser-friendly and upholds utility browsers.
a. It is resilient for any DOM changes
b. It controls CSS and upgrades the intelligence of the site.
c. Best for tackling animations on the web.
d. It is accessible to send HTTP requests.
e. Works with dynamic substance.
a. Relatively lethargic working capacity
b. Many advanced options are accessible other than jQuery.
c. In large scale apps, it’s hard to build using this technology.
d. The APIs of the archive object model are old.
# EMBERJS– this structure is similar to Angular featuring two way data binding and component based technology. You can trust Emberjs for handling both web and mobile apps with effective designing. But, this is the toughest structure for its harsh and traditional structure. Being a new and under examined technology, developers might not get a time to spend ample time in this framework.
a. Proficient for modern structure like LinkedIn and large UI.
b. Fastest framework and excellent in routing.
c. Two-way data confining
d. Authentic documentation for large projects.
a. Less famous in local area and small development
b. Complex grammar and moderate updates
c. Hard to learn and adapt
d. Bulky system for small applications
# BACKBONEJS– it is meant for structuring one-page apps easily. It is based on MVC design that permits the execution of component logic. It runs engines like Underscore.js and Moustache.js.
Using a particular framework, you can use multiple tool options like Thorax, Chaplin and much more. It is free for different types of users for the array’s utilization to recognize the models.
a. Ideal for both frontend and backend frameworks
b. Rapid and swift JavaScript
c. Used for apps like Trello
d. Comfortable to learn, adapt and reuse the codes.
e. Convenient structure and easy to handle clients with updates within the server.
a. Lack in providing ready-made tools
b. Comparatively less than MVC
c. Need to compose standard code to convey for a model view
d. Shouldn’t be dependent entirely on this framework.
# SEMANTIC-UI– although, it’s a fresh framework but quickly popular around the tech world. Its frontend structure has an intuitive UI and effortless to use and function. It is easy for freshers to grasp the frame as it integrates normal languages self-explanatory.
Moreover, it likewise considers a streamlined progression procedure due to its merger with gigantic loads of outsider libraries.
a. In a midst of other latest frontend frameworks
b. Stand out operations
c. Lightweight design and low confounded
d. Huge UI parts and great responsive capacity even for freshers.
a. Collective bundles
b. Unfit for fresher with zero knowledge of JavaScript
c. Must be adequately capable to foster custom necessities
# FOUNDATION– Foundation is generally suggested for huge level business evolution consisting of responsive and spry sites. It is advanced and daring for freshers to start making apps using Foundation.
It is developed by Zurb and offers GPU speed increment for super-smooth animations, quick mobile rendering provisions. It is also good in data-interchange credits where it loads lightweight segments for mobile and substantial areas for bigger gadgets. It is thus applied by eBay, Mozilla, Microsoft and more.
a. Adaptable matrices
b. Allows you to make good looking sites
c. HTML5 structure approval library
d. Altered client experience for various gadgets and media
a. Essentially hard to learn for fresher
b. Fewer people group discussions and backing stages
c. Competitor structure like Twitter Bootstrap is more standard than Foundation
d. Recommendable to work on autonomous projects to handle complexities.
# SVELTE– Svelte is the latest of all frontend frameworks. The construction has had an impact by setting the work into an arranged venture as opposed to placing them in the program, unlike frameworks like React and Vue. It composes the code to refresh the document object model in sync with the condition of the applications.
a. Better remedy for small scale app
b. Quicker than some other systems like Angular or React
c. Most recent of all
d. Versatile system
e. Lightweight, basic, and utilizes the other JavaScript libraries.
a. Small section of developers only for small apps
b. Absence of help against bugs
c. No tools
d. It isn’t mainstream yet
Suitable framework for frontend development: Angular or Vue
With regards to picking well known JavaScript systems in 2021, Angular and Vue stand apart with a ton of advantages. In fact in the world of front-end development, JavaScript structures are consistently in pattern.
Considering the above all the benefits and constraints, Angular is best in endeavoring to its various functionalities and components and covering most of the areas. On the contrary, Vue.js is good for quick development and also scalable projects and speeding apps.
For keeping your hands in Angular, it is necessary to know the tech of MVC. And Vue on the other hand is simple to operate but restrictive.
Before we come to any conclusion, we should examine both the JavaScript systems momentarily followed by some noticeable marks of correlation.
- Adaptability- Angular leads the challenge in adaptability. This is on the grounds that Angular has a modular development framework, while Vue utilizes format-based syntax. Furthermore, this format-based syntax manages to down the general reusability of code in huge applications.
- Loading time- Angular applications are not as light comparative to work with Vue. In any case, new Angular versions have highlights like Ahead-of-time (AOT) assemblage and tree shaking that trim down the application size a lot.
Also, since loading time relies a great deal upon application size, Vue mobile applications load all the more rapidly.
- Syntax- when it comes to the case of syntax, Vue has won against Angular. Angular works with Typescript, that’s why developers have to learn this before using. They should have to have experience in Object oriented programming systems (OOPS) concepts.
Due to its lightweight and easy handling, Vue is an eye-catching technology. Also Laravel has marked its favorite frontend development. Whereas, Angular is a substantially more experienced structure and has numerous innovation tools.
Market Statistics: Angular vs Vue
Angular Statistics
- Angular is utilized by >0.4% of all sites.
- It is the first choice of every high traffic websites
- It has 72.6K stars, 19K forks, around 1300 contributors 1.7 million users on Github
- Thus it is used by approx. 16.1% developers around the globe.
Vue Statistics
- It is utilize more than 1.5 crores websites successfully
- 88.9% websites uses Vue 2 but the market share framework is not more than 0.5%
- Its community is across 174k and 26.7k forked projects.

Advantages and disadvantages: Angular and Vue
Angular is a JavaScript framework alongside Typescript. It has a benefit of reliability and is meant for highly interactive apps. On the other side, Vue is that framework suitable for quick deployment and can scale as needed. But apart from this, there are many more pros and cons to count on, let’s take a look on each of them:
Advantages of Angular
- It has also a set of Typescript including predominant route, refactoring administrations, and autocomplete, disposing of errors inside code while creating business-scale applications.
- Long-lasting Google support with definite documentation and potential outcomes of growing the structure with improved features
- Guarantee of high performance secured by the various level dependency injection, Ivy renderer, AOT compiler, differential stacking, and Angular Widespread support.
- Update recommendation for conditions, loaders, and plugins.
- Permits 3rd party for more elasticity and tools in favor of progress
- Can be unified with other structures, customized, reusable and driven into Angular HTML elements as DOM.
Disadvantages of Angular
- Despite its section-based designing, the organization of parts and repetitiveness make the frontend system diffusive for its development community.
- Shifting from one Angular technology to another might prove it as a failure. Thus this can deal with low learning capacity within developers and also decrease in number.
- Due to its complexity, it is therefore a heavy weighted structure.
Advantages of Vue
- Relocation or combination of Vue can be effortlessly overseen while developing components can be under process without wasting any development time.
- It does not have to make complex boilerplate code by utilizing in-built answers for overseeing activities. With Vue, the ordinary procedure can make the entire interactive app quicker.
- The launch of every new version of Vue will become lighter and quicker. As a Result, it becomes easy for developers to learn fast.
- Offering a bunch of additional APIs with function-based components that are more comfy to read and use for flexibly.
- Default easily updating and doesn’t require checking regularly on bugs.
Disadvantages of Vue
- It lacks in perceiving languages. It is mostly popular in China and thus can be difficult for English based developers.
- The two-way binding process of Vue is useful to make and match up parts over an application. Additionally, it brings the rendering of data pieces of components set off by the DOM.
- Supporting a framework is restrictive as it can’t be handled with less experienced developers.
- It consists of various options and thus this flexibility can complicate a project for multiple irregularities.
- It doesn’t provide plugins and tools that are commonly compatible with other external sources and different structures. It likewise needs support for the majority of the accessible assets.
Utilization: Angular and Vue
Angular is a perfect choice of creating a venture-based app for its broad underlying functionalities and community support.
Vue is in fact a strong structure with regards to building UIs and taking care of complex issues.
To understand more of its utilities in their specific field, given below have a look:
- Large scale venture
- Real-time data app
- Measurable application
- Suitable for small scale industry or entry level
- Creating a light weight apps
- Built-in apps
Particular includes:
- Video based web apps
- Shopping apps
- Client produced content entries
- Content based sites
- Reformist applications
- Native mobile apps
- One-page web app
- Gaming applications
- Cloud based applications
- Progressive or reformist apps
- Single page web applications
- Large scale apps
- Expansion of existing app plan
- Expansion for utility of existing app
Performance: Angular vs Vue
The performance of a web application relies upon the library you use. In case you are thinking about picking which one of these structure/libraries for a task, you can openly pick after reading the below of each:
Development becomes complex in a case of JavaScript framework and the versatility, strength, and integrality is concern.Angular depends intensely on genuine DOM for its performance. Structure is powered by Ivy renderer, a rewrite of Angular rendering engine.
It is responsible for giving high performance, quick development and assembled components. This is also the first choice of every developer to create a large scale industry.
The high-level change detection instrument and ahead-of-time (AOT) aggregation decrease the DOM controls, pre-ordered HTML, and application parts before the program downloads and utilizes them. This might be the strong point to choose this JS framework for future gain.
Angular also requires more digital memory as it takes up to 150ms to boot even in essential content.
Unlike Angular, Vue works with the virtual DOM. Without diving into deep technicalities, it sorts the trouble related to web app UI for re-render/repaint post change in each platform. Therefore, it makes the task that includes various parts accelerated.
Each new added element becomes questionable for the developer in the application and thus it gets harder to load quickly. But fortunately, virtual DOM as a default makes it easy to handle the feature. Lazy loading is one of the key factors as it improves the loading time.
Vue deals with an outsider library in an asynchronous way automatically. It takes care of the basic conditions and isolating the libraries into the ones that need to be included in the primary application pack. Also, the ones that can be extra in courses from the center group.
App Design: Angular vs Vue
What type of design Angular supports? What kind of design does Vue endorse?
Usually a big scale venture invests on Angular as it has a pre-plan framework. This will also ensure that every developer uses the similar process.
Vue is known for its flexibility and permits the developer to work accordingly. But this knowledge isn’t enough to grab the attention of users to decide further. There are multiple questions coming in your head while investing in a web development process. So, take a look below sorting your all design related queries:
Type of Design Angular Supports
Angular is more organized and elaborated. It powers the engineer to do everything in a systematic manner. It has a Model-View-Regulator design that segregates the application logic from the UI layer and proficiently upholds the division of concerns.
It later helps in maintaining the code parts as per architecture and performances. It additionally improves the development structure by joining the MVC pattern and two-way data binding.
Moreover, given that the construction isolates the business logic from the UI parts, engineers are all the more certain about arranging a smooth UI with a smooth business rationale fitting.
Type of Design Vue Supports
Vue permits the client to compose their format in HTML record or JavaScript document. It provides typescript but doesn’t have much of its libraries.
Vue centers on the View Model approach and attempts the pattern on MVVM particularly in large-scale applications. The View part and the Model part are associated in a two-way binding method. M, V, VM stands for:
Model- When the data object enters the Model part, the information instance is changed into receptive components for making suitable capacity layers discreetly.
View- The genuine organization of the DOM cases occurs in the View part of Vue. It uses DOM-based templating to viably make root segments and contrast them with the important DOM parts.
View Model– it controls the synchronizing need between the Model and the View part of the code. This is the fundamental part of an engineer’s relationship with the code occurs.
Testing an app: Angular and Vue
Testing apps plays an important role in the framework. It decides further add-ons and final verdict to use it in a business. It is also essential for all JS codes and requires a series in it.
Below will be some relevant facts to decide which app is easy to test and develop. As a result, this can be a rising star in favor of your commodity.
Due to the dependence implantation in Angular, it manages all of the extensions and controllers. The unit test convenience in Angular can drive dependence infusion to perform testing by injecting mock/sham data into the controller. This cycle is followed by the evaluation of the output and its conduct.
Interestingly, Angular also has mock HTTP providers to drive fake responses from laborers into controllers.
Its testing capacities are conventional, clear, and productive. It doesn’t offer excessively rich instruments as it doesn’t sabotage the testing limit of its code too. Unit testing of Vue is altogether similar to other structures.
It typically uses Jest, Mocha and Chai for testing frameworks. Even some are officially announced by the Vue testing library called ‘Vue Utils’. It has access to the apps and specific APIs.
It also sorts refactoring and code troubleshooting. Quick input loops are practical to achieve as this construction grants CI/CD and provides hot reloading features.
Measurement: Angular vs Vue
Angular leads the test in measurability. This is on the grounds that Angular has a deliberate improvement structure, while Vue uses format-based language. Moreover, this format-based statement figures out how to down the overall reusability of code in enormous applications.
Also to get more information regarding the topic; let’s get deep down into further:
Angular is a complete package to build up an application for a large scale business. With the help of Google, the flexibility of the framework is an outcome of its stunning order line interface and element plans.
Gathering folders and modules dependent on their elements and coherent units gives an adaptable venture structure and effectively puts together huge codes of a complicated application. It is likewise normal for include parts to continue to develop for bigger applications, and the reasonable activity is refracting those into more modest segments.
Options for further developing the adaptability incorporate planning the page data model with typescript interfaces and making a solitary document for all CRUD tasks.
Vue is known for its light weight structure and thus it gives freedom to define as per the product we are engineering. Preferable for little time apps and absolutely not meant for scalability despite being its featuring adaptability.
Though, it can be measurable up to some extent but it could be made possible by forking a Vue application. It will separate it into different archives to disconnect the application for accommodating scaling as per the necessity.
Although the design is a bit unique, measurability is cultivated using web packs and Mixin parts offered by Vue to overlap the code expanding limitations.
Is Angular and Vue protected?

Only a few years ago, developers were fundamentally discussing whether the frameworks are safe to use? Or are they protected from viruses?
Nevertheless, it is proved that before using the framework, never forget to check the ‘license’ category. They should be used under MIT licenseeven for each software.
Also there are other implications to check on for each regarding safety handles.
Client-generated sites demand a sign of security and the board. Cross-site scripting is one of the basic shortcomings that the customer-side stage needs protection against. These assaults can be prevented by some inherent game plans that the construction gives.
The construction has initiated inward HTML to show the user-generated content and an implicit sanitizer, Dom Sanitizer, as a security highlight. Other security resources join keeping up the refreshed libraries, refreshing content security strategy in security-evaluated code, and using AOT for gathering HTML formats and sections.
Therefore, practicing the right exercise with the internal and external tools and its features makes an Angular safe.
Vue can naturally inject important executable HTML, URL, JS codes to guard the application before and after the render process. “Built-in sanitizer can add extra weightage to the framework” said by Vue creator itself.
Post that, programmed security of Vue codes against attacks like XSS or other weak assaults is impossible. However, with the assistance of outer libraries or disinfecting the HTML codes prior to executing the said code in the application information base offers a battling chance against security issues.
User experience: Angular vs Vue
Vue.js and Angular.js systems are developing quickly. The two structures are exceptionally responsive and intelligent. The two of them have special components that are customized to address various needs.
While picking a structure, we should discover confirmation of user experience regarding future development and development prospects.
Angular is a framework famous for creating UI and single-handedly frontend. It manages the user’s interaction via ‘templates’. It is also responsible for division of various elements for spotless coding design.
It also works on data display in a refined form. Besides, the library store is liable for dealing with reactivity, and asynchronous programming is liable for making the application receptive to clients and their activities.
The template thus maintains the data binding and rendering of HTML on the same page. This implies each time the application page is delivered, the system collaborates with the template syntax and updates the view right away without delay in refreshing and showing the data to the clients.
Vue is an ideal match for tech stack in building communicative and well planned web UI. Virtual DOM guarantees the changes made inside the application that won’t be visually directly reflective. This will give more extension and space to UI plan skills.
The data binding nature of this system permits developers to handle a set of HTML credits and characteristics. This can be changed at whatever point without influencing the current code using a restricted component called v-bind.
Layouts, activities, and changes can be customized according to the needs with material parts and UI devices like Cron generator, Chakra-UI-Vue, and much more.
Angular Versions

Angular is a typescript open source web app and launched initially in 2010. Later it has blown away the developers mind with its technology and invented so on.
It is that form of frontend platform i.e. perfect for large scale business. It joins decisive templates, reliance injection, start-to-end tooling, and coordinated accepted procedures to address development dares. Let’s have a look in detail versions of structure:
Angular JS 1.x– it was released in October 2010 and mostly kept up by Google, a group of individuals and organizations to address enormous quantities of the challenges experienced in making single-page applications.
It plans to improve both the development and the testing of utilizations by giving a structure to the customer side model–see regulator (MVC) and model–see View Model (MVVM) designs, alongside parts that are normally utilized in rich Web applications.
Angular 2– it is built with the same team of Angular JS 1. But has one major difference i.e. mobile oriented unlike the previous model. It offers multiple language options like ES5, ES6, Typescript or Dart.
Angular 3– angular 3 contains @angular/router and due to the appearance of the huge improvements on the route-preload section, it can create confusion. To keep away from any confusion and follow the correct path, they decided to skip form 3 and launch with version 4.0.
Angular 4- this format was released in March 2017. It has deducted the size of the generated code for elements around 60%. It has a better speed in compilation and speed in fixing bugs compared to version 2.
Angular 5- this angular is launched in November 2017 creating an optimizer by default. This also supports universal state transfer UPI and DOM. This has a capacity to improve compiler and internationalized number, date and currency pipes.
Angular 6– angular 6.0 is showcased in May 2018 along with the pack of angular CLI 6 and material 6. It adds features of angular components, Component dev kit (CDK), angular material starter elements, CLI workplaces, schematics, library support, tree shakable provider, animation performance improvements and RxJS v6.
Angular 7– this version of angular was released in October 2018. It enhances performance and features like CLI prompts, virtual scrolling, drag and drops. It will also support routing, SCSS and schematics.
Angular 8– this is released in May 2019 in sync with CLI 8 and material 8. This has also the feature of browser choosing between modern and legacy JS on its capacity. Also it adds features of importing route configuration. It has a workspace API in the CLI and web worker support.
Angular 9– this form of angular was released in Feb 2020 and came up with a much awaited format named ‘Ivy compiler’. From 9, all the segments moved and the runtime default to Ivy compiler. It has a small bundle size, fastens testing capacity, and is better at fixing bugs. Also has an advantage of improved version of CSS class and style binding. It gets a better version of type checking, detecting errors, enables default AOT and internationalization.
Its material components include YouTube player and Google maps.
Angular 10– this is the recent version launched in June 2020. This is a compressed format compared to other angular versions. This is also sync with CLI 10 and material 10.
This involves a component of the Data range picker. It provides the warning alert on common JS imports in large activities. It adds features of ‘operational stricter setting, typescript 3.9, updated v2.0, v6 and new default browser configuration.
Growth: Angular vs Vue
JavaScript undoubtedly is the best language to decide for frontend development, which is all well and good! The world of JS has around angular and vue to make it simpler and rapidly instinctive UIs. You can now read the below frameworks that have contributed to the app developments and its growth.
Developers are happy to give less time exertion while using angular. It permits them to reuse the codes and smoothens the procedure. It brings out ‘less is more’ with short codes. Hence this makes it more prolific for groups working constantly on same projects.
Angular offers adaptability in coding in view of its simple design engineering. it also permits freshers to begin and make alterations to their application projects consistently. Likewise, Angular handles substantial web applications that are stacked with provisions and parts exceptionally well.
Building inventive applications are like monsters but assembling them rapidly is incredibly better. Given the lightweight structure and rendering part of Vue makes an application at a high speed efficiently.
Although, utilizing some more instruments like Bit, Storybook, Vue dev-tools, and web packs like Vue loader, Single-file components (SFCs) can be effectively made. This will make the functionality quicker and thus proves contributing to rising development.
App size: Angular vs Vue
While making decisions between systems of JavaScript, the size of the library is a fundamental component to consider because on certain occasions run time relies upon the size of the document.
It is already known for its large scale business app, thus it shouldn’t be wrong to say that the size wouldn’t be short. As compared to other frameworks, even its medium size lies between 250kb to 500kb. It is normal for surpassing those numbers and therefore, one needs to depend on utilizing a compiler for compacting the pack sizes.
Vue on the other side is known for its lightweight structure and its size is not as heavy as others. It can vary between 50kb to 100kb. Vue CLI might appear the size gigantic as it loads for the first time but later to lethargic loading elements, codes can be separated into smaller pieces and further develop the load time.
Instruments like NuxtJS, Vuex, Bit, Vue-router maintain a strategy of not the codes from the beginning that predicts needless capacities, codes, and disposes of them.
Code maintenance: Angular and Vue
For any developer, it is very hard to differentiate and choose between the best techs. They are comfortable in technology and frameworks based on size, pros, cons and importantly its maintenance.
It depends upon how the structure will affect the apps and how easy it is to maintain codes in it. So let’s not waste time in knowing the code maintenance of angular and vue apps.
Both the Angular CLI and documentation style guide drives consistency at the pioneer level. It’s part of reusable code additionally accelerates up the development cycle for a project with a tight deadline.
It utilizes the Plain Old JavaScript Objects (POJO) Model to make the code structure handy and autonomous. We can also save ourselves from adding complex capacities or techniques in the program, eliminating conditions on external systems or plugins.
Vue is ascending in pace against most systems that have existed for quite a while. This is a reality that may demonstrate a fair chance to stay aware of Vue applications. Since Vue needs incredible assistance and making common coding practices helps in beating restrictions and obstacles.
Stack overflow’s report or GitHub may even show that Vue is future confirmation pondering its easy joining capacities and code joining continuity onto existing DOM and HTML increments with zero requirements. Vue is still creating and it isn’t hard to expect how extraordinary it will be later on.
Easy hiring: Angular and Vue
Over the last few years, the success of vue.js and its demanding popularity arises. And developers acing the structure are getting a raise in remuneration. It is proven that Vue engineers are the most demanded engineers today.
But there a question arises that how this framework has a better opportunity? Will this demand be sufficient for your project? Let’s find out their convenience of hiring developers in vue and angular.
As we know, angular is the well-known name in the large scale enterprise. And despite its losing portion in the overall industry, developers are generally accessible. Depending upon the project, it’s easy to hire the engineers from the fresher to skilled experienced.
The salary of this type of developer can cost up to $150 per hour in the US market. A developer carrying an experience of more than 10-15 years can earn more than $150 per hour.
The vue developers are less in number in the market as compared to angular. It might be an easy educational process in the vue but the expert can only ace the project. This can essence the inner code complexities with its easy going designs and adaptability in highlights.
Therefore, for a small scale, it requires a minimum of 3 or more developers and for large scale requires a batch of 5 or more developers in vue projects. Companies that want to expand the team and against hiring experts are the clever crow to hire these developers.
Selection scenario: Angular and Vue
Angular and Vue stand apart with a ton of advantages and systems with more assistance for your organizations. It is important to understand the scenario of when to choose angular and vue.
Let’s discuss below some of the eminent points of picking angular and vue.
- When your preference is object- oriented programming.
- When your project is complicated and dynamic and especially meant for large scale organization.
- If you have time, take a ‘typescript’ tutorial before starting the process.
- If you need reliability and basic adaptability.
- An app that provides real-time features like immediate texting and chats.
- When your goal is clear code.
- When you decided to build a lightweight one page app.
- When you are looking for earlier direct entry to the market.
- When your final verdict is to expand your project on a restricted scale.
- When you deliberately want advance execution and project to be quick.
Top global websites built with ‘Angular and Vue’
JavaScript has come up with the concept of frameworks that have easy to handle complexities and scalable using each structure. Whether it is angular or vue, each framework has made their name in the field of web app development.
Below are the top global companies that have worked with the frameworks to enhance their marketing strategy. Take a look at top 9 of each structure:
9gag– this is a social networking site similar to Facebook. Interestingly, it has a subscriber of 164.63M in July 2018. It has used vue for its light weight and rapid performance.
Behance– this is one of the favorite sites of the graphic developers and has crossed 49.29M in July 2018. Its purpose is to use vue for its features like frontend.
Nintendo– this is a gaming website with around 37.92M visitors in July 2018. They have used vue for its frontend features.
Chess-this is an online gaming portal for the lovers of chess and has 35.10M in July 2018. They have also used vue for its frontend feature and speed.
Gitlab– it’s a Git repository web app selective to one based requirement. They are also used for frontend features and have 22.11M visitors.
Wizzair– this is an airline company that uses vue for its frontend features. It has 20.28M subscribers and it’s not just an air booking site.
Font awesome– this is a site offering logos and icons socially. You can also download it later or purchase for further usage. They have also used vue for its frontend features and website to respond faster. It has 11.48M in July 2018.
LA ravel– its purpose is to ease out the complication throughout the web app development process like routing and others. They have used vue for its frontend and default settings. They have targeted 7.91M in July 2018.
Laracasts– this is a site for learning web development procedures. It has multiple lessons and is made via vue. It has 5.67M in 2018.
Google– they have used angular to create sleek designs with large scale apps. Angular has another advantage that google has smooth transitions, glossy pictures and videos, clear texts.
Gmail– the mail domination globally has used angular for its one page HTML website independently. It has more than 1.5 billion subscribers. Also it supports in-built syntax, grammar and texting under heavy traffic yet great performance.
MS Xbox– this website is a crowd of multiple products and services alike google. It has taken all the best of angular like smooth design and grab attention features like games and navigation.
Forbes– this is one of the well-known business magazines across the globe. Using angular, it looked professional, best execution, responding and supportive lots of other features like cross platform.
PayPal– this is also a well-renowned online payment website across the globe. They have chosen angular due to its high security alerts and real time transactions.– as the name suggests, this website is responsible for weather forecasts. Using angular, they designed the site simple with ultra HD video shots that are long lasting.
The Guardian– this is a famous UK based newspaper and using angular, their target is to reach maximum across the world with clean and clear features.
Up work– this is a platform for freelancers and it features in-app calling, payment gateways and testing using angular. It has more than 18M users globally.
Deutsche bank– it is German MNC bank that aims to invest in financial sectors. Using angular, they have created a front page portal as their website.
Inference to the topic:
Frontend frameworks offer a wide variety of structure that has a mix bundle of complexity and usages. It is helpful for both small and large scale industries.
By analyzing the above facts, it can be a questionable situation for both to win the market trends. Both have their own pros and cons regarding the product’s message and target.
But it is a high probability that angular might bag the place when it will come to durability, trustworthy and big business. Vue on the other side is suitable for small enterprises but more in popularity for its easy utility.
Depending upon the project, it is better to choose whatever framework wisely and smartly as one move can damage your goodwill.