Angular 8 is Here. What’s New?

In order to understand how Angular 8 is different from its previous versions, we need to take a look at the history of modifications it has had. When we compare some of the other leading applications, Angular is one of the most popular frameworks designed for web development. Since its inception in 2009, it has been around but with improvements and increasing consumer base. The first version, released by Angular JS, had some issues even though it was effective. These issues can mainly be attributed to the big bundle size, complicated debugging and other technical issues. Since then, the Angular team has come up with improvements consistently and has since added features like really impactful libraries, tree shaking etc. Angular 8 is yet another version with improvements. As one of the best Angular developers, aTeam Soft Solutions is well updated with all of these features and apply them in their current projects. Following are some of the features of the new version.

  • Preview of Ivy
    Ivy is one of the most notable changes brought in Angular. It is known for making use of incremental DOM. It has improved how angular functions internally without really altering its substance. It basically rewrites the code to achieve the following things.

    • Better build times
    • Better build sizes more compatible with tree-shaking
    • New potential features like lazy loading of components instead of modules
  • Differential Loading
    The new concept of differential loading of the JavaScript makes Angular 8 perform better. This feature helps to bring about different bundles for the new apps created by Angular CLI.
  • Angular Router Backwards Compatibility
    This is an old feature that has been added back. This helps to upgrade the application in an easier way when you have bigger projects. It will help you to upgrade your Angular 1.x apps to Angular 2+ right away.
  • Improved Web Worker Bundling
    The new version has included web worker bundling. This is integral in the production of bundles as it makes parallelizability better and improves performance. Thus, one bundle is provided to every web worker.
  • Lazy Loading
    Lazy loading is a way of reducing the size of big files. This concept is based on Angular Routing. It can bring down the size of files by lazily loading the files that are required. This new concept was introduced to tackle the issues faced by the previous configuration route.
  • Bazel Support
    Another great feature introduced by the new version of Angular 8 is Bazel support. It lets you make your CLI application with Bazel. Bazel also forms a part of the very structure of the Angular framework. Bazel has many advantages. Two of the most important ones are as follows.

    • Lets you use the same tool to make backends as well as frontends.
    • Reduces the building time.

The first build will initially be slow but subsequent ones will be much faster. It also gives the app the opportunity to use libraries and modules.

Thus, with every new version, Angular consistently tries to improve on their performance.

Technical Consultant at aTeam Soft Solutions | Marrying Ideas & Technology to scale business | helping SME's and start-up's define Digital Transformation strategies.

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