Angular 6 Beats React


JavaScript is one of the top languages used to run code in web browsers, that is, web development is what it is today primarily because of JavaScript. There are many JavaScript frameworks like Angular, React, Vue, Ember and Meteor. If you ask me which ones are the best among these, I would say Angular and React. If you ask me again which one is the best one between Angular and React, I would definitely say Angular. There are many reasons to why I chose Angular 6 and you can find those reasons below.

Let me make it clear to you. Both languages are equally powerful in what they achieve. However, the difference lies in how they achieve it and what your objective is. Therefore, what a developer first needs to decide is determining the requirements and then matching it with the framework capabilities and specifications. Let us look more deeply into Angular and React.
First, we will start with React. Facebook crafted React with a smaller learning curve for quickly developing web and mobile apps. React is still being maintained by Facebook and is used in most of their products. Additionally, it is also used in Airbnb, Pinterest, Twitter and Uber. Do not be underestimated by React just because it leads to fast development. All the web and mobile apps developed by React are equally scalable, responsive and powerful. It is also easy develop in React allowing new developers to quickly catch up. On the SEO side, React has displayed more positive results as it is better in rendering single page applications especially in server side.

In the case of Angular 6, it has a very big learning curve when compared with React making it very difficult for new developers to kick off easily. However, it is worth facing the difficulties, as it will provide better fruits than React once one learns how to overcome the obstacles. Another positive is that Angular 6 is created with Typescript making it easy for Java and C# developers. One of the main advantages of Angular is that it allows the identification of errors at early stages of development allowing you to take care of them at the beginning itself without continuing with it. Angular is also crafted with the principle of modularity in mind. Each and every part of development in Angular is divided into modules and the developer need only connect the necessary parts to each other leading to better synchronization and problem isolation.
Now, you may have an idea why Angular is better than React. Yes, Angular 6 contains the complete toolkit to all your digital problems, whether it is web or apps. The only disadvantage is that the tools are difficult to master. Every powerful tool is difficult to master without the proper skills. While it is powerful, easy to learn and provides quick solutions, React does not directly provide ‘out of the box’ solutions to problems. Therefore, the difficulty of facing such problems depend on the skill and expertise of the developer. This is why Angular 6 beats React.

Technical Consultant at aTeam Soft Solutions | Marrying Ideas & Technology to scale business | helping SME's and start-up's define Digital Transformation strategies.

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