Angular 2,4,5,6,7


Angular is a front-end or client-side JavaScript framework, which run on the user’s browser rather than running on the web server. It was created and still maintained by Google and is a leading framework for building JavaScript heavy single page based web applications. Single page apps or SPAs load the entire content of a site within a single page. The popularity of SPA-based web apps has taken off based on the fact that they allow us to deliver rich, dynamic and fast loading content that mimics that of a desktop application. It helps you create an environment, which is more expressive, readable and quick to develop.

What makes Angular stand out from the traditional ones is that Angular expects the browser to build the page. While in the traditional applications that use PHP or Java, the server is responsible for all the heavy lifting. Relying exclusively on the server in this way may result in higher usage fees along with slower load times when sites see a heavy increase in traffic. In addition to the increase in speed and performance, Angular allows us to write much more succinct code than using plain JavaScript. With the control of data-binding track, process and view changes from the user and eliminates DOM manipulations.

Angular was developed with three key concepts in mind, which were the guiding principles. Make it modular, make it testable and make it maintainable. Angular version 1 was first published in 2009 and became a massive success with millions of developers worldwide adopting and using the framework. Angular 1 gave us modules to effectively separate out our code for testing and maintenance. Angular 2 brings us components – an even better way of separating out our logic. Angular version 2 introduced sweeping changes along with a complete code rewrite. Angular 2 offered faster initial loads, improved change detection and improved rendering, which made Angular 2 five times faster than its predecessor. It was sleeker and composed of a more simplified API. By taking advantage of classes, modules, and decorators, Angular 2 took building sophisticated high performing applications to a completely new level. After Angular 2, many other versions like 4, 5, 6 and 7 was introduced which were more or less updated and more refined versions of its predecessors.

Here are some reasons why you should use Angular for web application development.

Rapid Development & Code Generation

Angular gives you rapid development. You can do things like routing, event handling, validation and many other things in a fraction of the time and codes. The Angular CLI also has some code generation commands. It brings a lot of utility code we can reuse in various applications especially when dealing with the user’s navigation and the browser history. Its Dependency Injection (DI) helps in natural development, understanding, and testing.

Code Organisation & Productivity

Angular also organises your code and your UI into encapsulated components. It gives the applications a clean and loosely coupled structure that is easy to understand and easy to maintain. Angular CLI also has some really nice code generation commands that can help you build out application faster.

Dynamic Content

Angular lets us create dynamic content right in the HTML templates using directives. It makes creating custom HTML tags easy and fun and these tags can act like new custom widgets. It lets you invent new HTML syntax unique to your application. Manipulation of DOM attributes can also be done.

Unit Testing Ready

Angular also comes with testing capabilities. It is designed from the ground up to be testable and has end-to-end scenario runner. Behavior-view separation tests to check and eliminate errors.

Here in aTeam Soft Solutions, we have a team of the best Angular developers who are well versed in Angular and have years of experience working with the framework for many high profile projects.  We are a team of technological pioneers who strive to incorporate new technologies into our projects and give our clients the game-changing and best-in-class tech. With the top Angular team and the latest technology, we have created a niche for ourselves, one that stands out for its uniqueness and quality.

Technical Consultant at aTeam Soft Solutions | Marrying Ideas & Technology to scale business | helping SME's and start-up's define Digital Transformation strategies.

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