MEAN Stack V Meteor Stack – What We Should Know?

aTeam Soft Solutions uses many innovative methods for web development. Two such methods are MEAN Stack and Meteor Stack. They have the best Meteor Stack team that make web development a lot easier. They also have top MEAN Stack developers who help you to create great dynamic websites and web applications. There is always a debate going on as to which one is better. However, even though they both have their key differences, they both have much to contribute to powerful and functional web development services.

MEAN Stack is a technology that is based on JavaScript. MEAN stack itself is not a framework but it is a combination of technologies and the name is the acronym for these technologies: Mongo, Express, Angular and Node (specifically, in that order). For the client side to the server side execution, it can be written in one language. Each of the components serves a different purpose. Angular is a JavaScript MVC which is also a framework and Node.js is for execution. On the other hand, Meteor is a framework for web development that is full stack and is in real time. It is open source and it is solely based on Node.js, which forms the language, and MongoDB, which forms the database.

There are many differences between MEAN Stack and Meteor Stack. Some of the key ones are listed below.

  • They differ when it comes to simplicity. While Meteor is on the simpler side and you can easily learn the basics, MEAN is not so simple. It has multiple parts, which will get time to get used to and completely understand.
  • In Meteor, the server can automatically update itself. The client does not have to refresh the page when there is a change in the data. However, this is not the case with MEAN.
  • In MEAN stack, there has to be a separation between the client and server side. This is because different APIs are being used. Nevertheless, Meteor uses the same method for both sides. This makes it easier to make the app and gives you a better understanding of the code.
  • In MEAN stack, the user has to install all the technologies in it separately and the writing is not that seamless. With Meteor, all you have to install is Meteor.
  • In Meteor, hybrid mobile applications can be created for both Android and iOS with the same codebase. This is not possible with MEAN stack.
  • MEAN stack is a lot more flexible. The developer gets to put together all the technologies and then decide which one he wants to use. Meteor is much suitable for a small app that can be created quickly.
  • In MEAN stack, the user has to make a REST request, which is the result of the query, but in the case of Meteor Stack, this is not necessary. Any new creation or modified document will automatically be transferred to the client.

Now you know all you need to know about MEAN Stack and Meteor Stack. Still confused? This is why aTeam Soft Solutions is here.

Technical Consultant at aTeam Soft Solutions | Marrying Ideas & Technology to scale business | helping SME's and start-up's define Digital Transformation strategies.

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