Top Developers for $20/hr

There are different types of development in cyber space. The main ones that are trending now are web development and app development. All these are completely different from each other even if some may be dependent on one another. For example, your project may be the development of a website. After web development, you may need to build the app version of your project also leading to the app development phase.

Web Development

First, let us start with web development. The popular modern languages for web development are JavaScript, PHP, Python, Ruby and SQL. Today, a website is necessary for every brand. A website is now the signature brand identity of companies. The website will contain the consistent theme and colours of the brand along with all the relevant information. Websites can also contain additional features related to the products and services of the brand. For example, a clothing company can also have an e-commerce page featuring their products that users can buy online. Websites and landing pages are also market-changing trends. It is also a space that can be utilised for marketing and competition with rival companies. A good quality website will attract customers to it. Contact aTeam Soft Solutions if you are looking for quality website development.

App Development                 

The top languages for developing mobile apps are Java, Swift, Kotlin and Objective C. Each language and platform has its own advantages and disadvantages when compared with others. You should have knowledge on these to select the language that is most suited to develop your project. Yes, there is always someone else to do these for you and that someone is aTeam Soft Solutions. Hand over your project to aTeam Soft Solutions and they will give your dream in physical form (or digital depending upon the project) and more.

Web vs App

Applications and mobile apps are the other big thing today. Mostly every single person on Earth has a mobile phone tucked into his or her pocket. These mobile phones contain hundreds of different apps for different utilities. Apps are everyday tools that everyone around the world use. In fact, we can also say that applications are now more popular than websites. This is mainly because applications are more accessible than websites. Apps can be run on a phone simply by pressing the respective app icon. Websites, on the other hand, are built more for the professional audience. While apps require to be stored on the device, websites do not require storage. Websites can be visited from any device that can access the internet. Apps have to be compatible with specific devices in order for them to work on that device. Updates for apps have to be processed through the store while website updates run in the background without requiring any input from the user or device.

There are advantages and disadvantages to both web and apps. So are all these development factors confusing you? You are not sure whether you want an app, software or website developed? Then hire the top developers of aTeam Soft Solutions at just 20 dollars per hour and forget about all your worries. Yes, hire them, sit back and witness your project come into fruition.

Technical Consultant at aTeam Soft Solutions | Marrying Ideas & Technology to scale business | helping SME's and start-up's define Digital Transformation strategies.

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