Hire Codeigniter Engineers for $16/hr


CodeIgniter is like other frameworks. However, what makes it different is how rapidly it lets you build applications. It also provides you with the agility that no other framework can provide. This is why CodeIgniter development is preferred by developers as it helps them to get their work done easily. Businesses also prefer CI because it lets them bring their website or application to the market in a short period of time. Following are some of the features, which make CodeIgniter a favourite of both developers and businesspersons.

  • With a simple interface, CI becomes easier to use and learn about. Since it is open source, you can develop your custom web application by configuring it to fit the needs. A company like aTeam Soft Solutions will also be able to alter and bring changes in future if required. This is done with the help of controllers and other tools.
  • The rapidness provided by CI is due to its linear structure. The folder is in a readily usable format. As a result of this, the syntax of the PHP becomes simplified. Thus, you can avoid the whole syntax error hassle and launch the application in no time. With the developing side taken care of, the companies can launch their product in the online market. Time is of the essence in the field of e-commerce as what might be in demand today might not be in demand a week later.
  • Other than structural benefits, it also has functional benefits. Web applications can easily be migrated from one server to the other with the help of CI development services. For a dynamic website or an app, you need a dynamic web application. With the MVC structural base, you get a great web application with only a few technicalities involved.
  • CI is the only framework that has validation modules. These are extremely important for web development without making it burdensome. These modules can be easily configured for your business. These modules also help in the process of validating the data in the application.
  • Code documentation serves the purposes of management of the codes. When you document it, it also becomes easier to use it for future reference. CI does this documentation easily. This documented material also acts as a guide for using it, which makes it easier to bring about changes in future.
  • CI is a security-rich framework. These features can be easily integrated into your application and creates a safe environment. This gives the users more incentive to visit your website again.

It is almost impossible to get such a feature-rich and advanced framework at a reasonable price. However, for a high-quality website that can attract more users, CodeIgniter is indispensable. aTeam Soft Solutions provides you with CI development at just 16 dollars an hour. Their best CodeIgniter team have come up with the best practices to use the various modules and tools facilitated by CI. Because of their experience and many successful projects with CI, they have been ranked the top CodeIgniter engineers in the region.

Technical Consultant at aTeam Soft Solutions | Marrying Ideas & Technology to scale business | helping SME's and start-up's define Digital Transformation strategies.

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