

GIT is a version control system that is distributed. It is also a program that has a source code management system in it. When two or more developers are working on the same project, it does the functioning of protecting data integrity by distributing non-linear workflows.

There are many reasons why developers should use GitHub. If you have version control for your code, then you have the best coding practice. Irrespective of the language that you are working on like Python, Java etc. a good version control workflow is very important. Implementing a good workflow is not an easy task but it is necessary for the developers. Providing great tools to work with, GitHub helps the developers to establish a workflow. Git has helped aTeam Soft Solutions become a global player by helping it collaborate with other developers.

aTeam Soft Solutions’s top Git developers can now work in an open community and share and learn from other users. Some of the features that make aTeam Soft Solutions’s team the best Git team are as follows:


One unique feature of Git is the branching ability. This is a feature that makes a developer’s life easy. There are centralised version control system and branched version control system as well. The branched version control system is easier and cheaper and can also be easily merged. This is how Git gets its branched workflow version. This feature also provides an isolated background for a new change that happens to your codebase. When a developer decides to work on something irrespective of whether it is big or small, he can create a branch. This does not bring any change to the master branch and maintains its quality.

Version Control

Whenever a developer gets a working copy in SVN, it goes back to a single and common repository that is central for all. However, unlike others, Git has a version control system that is distributed. Each developer will get his or her own local repository instead of the common copy. In addition, they come with the full history of commits. If there is no history, then the developer will have to spend the time to inspect past versions of the file and will require a network to create commits. Because of the full history, this can be avoided and makes it function faster.

Request Pull

Another great feature is the pull request. Through this feature, another developer can request to merge one of your branches into their repository. This opens up a great opportunity for discussion. Another advantage of this feature is that the project leads can easily keep track of changes. Developers can also have discussions about their work before incorporating code into the rest of the codebase. Pull requests are a comment thread that is attached to a branch. This makes them extremely versatile. It helps in creating more like a community where developers can seek help from each other. If somebody is stuck at something, they can pull a request and ask another developer to help them.

Thus, there are many benefits to being a part of the Git community. It is also very welcoming for newcomers. They will not have to be trained because they will already be familiar with the distributed development of the system.

Technical Consultant at aTeam Soft Solutions | Marrying Ideas & Technology to scale business | helping SME's and start-up's define Digital Transformation strategies.

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