Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) can be considered as a feature within the Amazon Web Services or AWS. A great feature of EC2 is that you do not have to invest in hardware. AWS EC2 helps you to develop and deploy your applications at a much faster rate. EC2 lets you launch as many servers as you want. These virtual servers can be many in number or very few. You can then do the configuration, manage security, storage etc. With EC2, managing traffic is also very easy. You no longer have to forecast the frequency of the traffic. It can automatically make the required changes to manage the sudden spike or reduction in traffic. There are many features of AWS EC2 that help it to put forward applications that are scalable and resilient.

Direct Access

Access to the underlying server is one very great advantage provided by EC2. The EC2 bare metal instances gives your application a direct access to the processor and memory of the server. These are particularly useful when you have workload that require access to memory.

Pause and Play

Bare metal instances are one of the instances offered by EC2 and functions just like their other instances. Another great feature is that these instances can be stopped and then resumed later. Applications that persist and take time to get into the memory can be benefited with this feature. In addition, you will not be charged for the instance that has been paused or hibernated.

Types of Storage

Dense storage features are also very beneficial to customers. If they require high-intensity storage applications, then this instance will come in handy. Storage is another great benefit or service offered by AWS EC2. Different workloads will have different requirements for storage. AWS EC2 can accommodate these different needs. In addition to a storage capacity that is built in, they have also considered other provisions for storage. These are Amazon Elastic Block Store, Elastic File System etc.

Control and Optimisation

There is also another feature that lets you control the instances. These are called the optimise CPUs which give you the control over the instances over both the fronts. This helps you to save on a lot of CPU based licensing costs. Some customers look for greater graphic experiences. GPU graphic instances are perfect for this.

Pay Per Use

Pay per use is one of the greatest ever modifications that they brought about. Even though some instances might start booting, they might not really start immediately. You will be charged according to the actual time it starts. You will only be paying for the resources that you use. Many idle resources will not be included.

Elastic Cloud

An elastic IP address is also a great feature. These are static. They are designed for better cloud computing experience. You also have greater control over this IP address, which is connected to your account and you can control it until you release it.

aTeam Soft Solutions, with its top AWS EC2 developers, are able to provide better services to their clients because of the ever-growing development expertise of Amazon Web Services. Their best AWS EC2 team will be able to meet all your application needs and change the way in which people perceive development itself.

Technical Consultant at aTeam Soft Solutions | Marrying Ideas & Technology to scale business | helping SME's and start-up's define Digital Transformation strategies.

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