Web App Development


A web application is a piece of software that can be accessed from a browser and are built using standard web technologies including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It is a client-server application that runs in a browser. They run inside a standard web browser like Chrome, Firefox and Safari. They are built and hosted just like any web application or website on the internet. The only real difference is that they are built to look good and to function well on mobile devices. What this means is that they are responsive and are designed with a mobile-first approach. They start by focusing on the mobile view but also make it work for desktops as well. Therefore, what is running in the browser is entirely an application written in web technologies and you get fast access to everything.

Web app development is the process involved in the creation of application programs that run on remote servers, which the user can operate using the internet. There is no need for the user to download the web application it can be accessed through the internet using a browser. Developing a web application requires typically a short period of time and a small team. The front-end development for web application comprises of client-side programming. Client-side programming makes the content interactive and organised using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Moreover, in server-side programming, multiple scripting languages like Ruby, Java, and Python are used to create the scripts for the web application.       

Here are some advantages of the web application that you should know.

Easy To Build

They are built using just regular web standards like HTML, CSS and JavaScript. There is no need to learn any difficult languages like Java, Swift or anything like that. Any developer with basic knowledge of web standards can build a simple web app or mobile web site.

Easy To Maintain

The web app is very easy to host and maintain. All you have to do is simply upload the app to a hosting account with a domain.

Use Any Technology/Language

For building the web app, you can use any type of web technology and stack you want. You will have the freedom to choose different technologies like Node.js, Vue.js, Laravel, Python or whatever you want.     

One App Fits All

Another perk of having a web app is that you can build one application for all platforms. Therefore, no matter whether it is iOS, Android or Windows, the app is going to run on any device as long as it can run a browser. In addition, the app is accessible to desktop PCs and laptops as well.    

aTeam Soft Solutions is a digital agency that gained mastery over the web app development by having a dedicated top web app development team with supreme skills and ingenuity. They are the pioneers who took the industry by storm with their innovative and ingenious solutions that revolutionised the way things are done. Armed with the best web app developers, they are here to shake things up by breaking the norms with revolutionary solutions and being the avant-garde of the developers.

Technical Consultant at aTeam Soft Solutions | Marrying Ideas & Technology to scale business | helping SME's and start-up's define Digital Transformation strategies.

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