What’s New in Angular 13? | Angular 11 vs 12 vs 13

In this article, we will learn about what’s new with the new angular 13 version.

I’m sure you’re aware that angular rolled out their new version. So let’s dive in before understanding what’s new.

What is angular?

Angular is an open-source javascript framework written in typescript. Google maintains it and its primary purpose is to develop single-page applications as a framework. Angular has clear advantages while also providing a standard structure for developers on a team to work with. Angular enables users to develop large applications in a maintainable manner.

Angular has released several versions over the past few years with every release it has seen significant improvements, making it a popular choice amongst developers today.

Let’s look at what’s new with Angular 13

Completely IVY

It’s completely IVY. The view engine is no longer available with the angular 13 updates and the framework is now 100% IVY. This will help to speed up the compilation and boost platform efficiency for your projects.

1. API competent update

Before the changes in angular version 13 dynamically creating competence required a lot of boilerplate code. The new API removes the need for a competent factory resolver being injected into the constructor. IV creates the opportunity to instantiate the component with view container ref dot create component without creating an associated factory.

2. Modifications in the angular package format.

The angular package format APF has been streamlined and modernized to better serve developers. To streamline the APF10 version 13 the team remote older output formats including view engine specific metadata. To modernize it they have standardized on more modern javascript formats such as ES2020. Libraries built with the latest version of the APF will no longer require the use of ngcc. As a result of these changes, library developers can expect leaner package output and faster execution.

3. Bye-bye to Internet Explorer 11

Removing IE 11 support allows angular to leverage modern browser features such as CSS variables and web animations via native web API’s. What’s more, the apps will be smaller and load faster because we can remove IE-specific polyfills and code paths. It also removes the need for differential loading. Developers will benefit from improved APIs and build infrastructure while application users will benefit from faster loading and an improved user experience.

4. Framework modifications and dependency updates

Angela Version 13 also features some helpful updates and important changes.

First up, rxjs 7.4 is the default for apps created with NG new. Existing apps using Rx Js Version six will have to manually update using the NPM install rxjs at 7.4 command.

5. Improved testing and debugging

There are important improvements to test that now do a better job of tearing down test

modules and environments after each test. The dome is now cleaned after every test and developers can expect faster less memory intensive, less independent and more optimized tests.

6. Performance improvements.

These recent updates in angular 13 have undoubtedly resulted in major improvements by introducing unusual modifications such as: 

– the opt-in feature is enabled by default.

– global scripts and bundles have been optimized
– In union type templates auto-completion is supported.

7. Improvements in Command-line interface

Angular now supports the use of persistent build cache by default for new version 13 projects. The valuable feedback from RFC persistent build cache by default led to the stooling update that results in up to 68% improvement in build speed and more economic options.

If you have any questions, drop a comment and our Angular team will get back to you.

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