How to Land a Remote app developer job with a US-based company

software development September 9, 2024

Are you an app developer or a mobile app developer from outside the US looking to land a remote job with a US-based company? Many developers around the world dream of earning in dollars while living in their own countries, but getting there can be challenging. At Ateam Soft Solutions, we understand the obstacles you face and the steps you can take to make this dream a reality.

Many foreign developers, especially those from countries with weaker currencies, aim to secure remote positions with US companies. The prospect of earning in US dollars, which can go a long way when converted into local currencies, is incredibly appealing. However, the approach many developers take when seeking these roles is often flawed due to differences in work culture, expectations, and market demands.

Tip 1: Specialize in a Niche

One common mistake that developers make is marketing themselves as a jack-of-all-trades. Being able to do it all — whether it’s Android development, WordPress, Rails, or Laravel — may seem like a strength, but in the US job market, companies prefer hiring specialists. If you’re looking to stand out as a remote app developer, you need to specialize.

Rather than trying to appeal to everyone, pick one area — for example, Node.js, Flutter app development, or iOS development — and become an expert in it. It’s better to be a big fish in a small pond, excelling in one specific area, rather than being a generalist with no clear focus.

Once you’ve chosen your specialization, look for technologies and frameworks that are popular in the US. Some countries may favor PHP or .NET, but US-based companies often prioritize other stacks. Research what’s in demand and align your skills accordingly. If you aren’t yet proficient in these areas, seek local jobs that allow you to build experience with the tech stack that US companies are using.

Tip 2: Master English Communication

If you’re aiming to work as a remote software developer with a US company, strong English communication skills are crucial. While the US doesn’t have an official language, English is the dominant language in business and software development.

For remote app developers, effective communication is just as important as technical skills. You need to be able to clearly convey ideas, understand project requirements, and collaborate with teams across time zones. Many US companies look for developers who can seamlessly integrate into their workflow, and language barriers can be a significant challenge.

Beyond just written English, focus on improving your spoken communication. Make sure your accent is as neutral as possible, as this will make conversations easier and prevent misunderstandings. Some developers even take accent training classes to improve their clarity in professional settings.

Tip 3: Focus on Code Quality

When applying for remote software developer roles with US companies, the quality of your code matters just as much as your ability to solve problems. In many countries, coding standards may not be as strict, and developers can sometimes get away with writing functional but sloppy code. However, US companies have high expectations when it comes to code quality.

If you’re submitting code samples or completing coding challenges as part of your application process, ensure that your code is clean, well-documented, and thoroughly tested. Pay attention to details such as proper variable naming, code readability, and test coverage. Even if your solution works, sloppiness in your code can lead to rejection. Aim to showcase your coding skills as if you’re building production-ready software, not just solving a quick exercise.

Tip 4: Format Your Resume for US Standards

Another common issue foreign developers face is not aligning their resume or CV to US standards. In some countries, resumes can be long, detailed documents filled with personal information, photos, or even ratings of your skills (e.g., 90% proficiency in JavaScript). In the US, however, resumes are typically much more concise and focused.

Here are a few tips for formatting your resume for US-based companies:

  • Keep it to one page, unless you have extensive experience.
  • Avoid including personal details such as photos, birthdates, or overly personal information.
  • List your skills clearly, but avoid rating yourself. Simply mention the technologies and frameworks you’re proficient in.
  • Focus on your accomplishments rather than just listing job responsibilities.
  • Make sure the layout is simple, clean, and easy to read.

Hiring managers in the US often spend just a few seconds scanning a resume, so clarity and brevity are key.

Tip 5: Consider Working with Agencies

If you’re finding it difficult to secure a job directly with a US company, you can explore working with agencies or platforms that connect foreign developers with US clients. Companies like Toptal, UpStack, or Braintrust are middlemen that handle the client acquisition process and match you with US-based companies looking for remote app developers. While working through an agency may come with some trade-offs, it can still provide the opportunity to work remotely and earn in dollars.

In a Nutshell

In summary, landing a remote job with a US-based company as a software developer or mobile app developer requires careful preparation, specialization, strong communication skills, and a high level of professionalism. By focusing on these key areas, you’ll increase your chances of success and move closer to your goal of working remotely for a US company. At Ateam Soft Solutions, we’ve seen firsthand how these strategies work and encourage developers worldwide to take these steps to improve their opportunities in the global market.


Azeez Bijin April 24, 2023