Who Are Australia’s Most Impactful Tech Entrepreneurs

aTeam Soft Solutions August 16, 2023

The Importance of Tech Entrepreneurship in Australia

Australia, primarily recognized for its rich natural resources, diverse wildlife, and cultural landmarks, has undergone a transformative evolution in the realm of technology over the past few decades. This shift isn’t merely superficial; it has been deeply rooted in the nation’s economic and socio-cultural fabrics. Tech entrepreneurship, in particular, has surfaced as a beacon of innovation, driving not only Australia’s domestic economy but also marking its footprint on the global stage.

Top Leading Tech Entrepreneurs in Australia

1. Mike Cannon-Brookes and Scott Farquhar

Founders of Atlassian

Founder of Kogan.com

The story of Mike Cannon-Brookes and Scott Farquhar is a testament to the power of a visionary idea coupled with unyielding determination. Both met while studying at the University of New South Wales in Sydney. From collaborating on projects as university students, they took a gamble in the world of tech entrepreneurship, pooling together a small initial investment to create Atlassian in 2002.

Journey and Success Story:


Starting from a modest apartment, their primary aim was to develop an issue tracker. This humble beginning led to the birth of JIRA, one of Atlassian’s flagship products. Unlike other companies that invested heavily in sales teams, Atlassian took a unique approach. They focused on producing quality software that customers could trial and then buy over the internet – a strategy that dramatically reduced costs and boosted organic growth.

Their entrepreneurial journey is laden with milestones. By 2010, Atlassian had surpassed $100 million in lifetime revenue. But it wasn’t just about revenue; their products like JIRA, Confluence, and Bitbucket became synonymous with team collaboration and productivity.

In 2015, Atlassian went public on the NASDAQ, which was one of the most significant tech IPOs of the year. The IPO further cemented their reputation as leaders in the tech industry, not just in Australia, but globally.

Global Impact and Influence:

Atlassian’s influence isn’t restricted to its impressive market valuation or its array of products. The company’s ethos, “Open Company, No Bullshit,” has become a mantra in the tech world, emphasizing transparency and authenticity.

Furthermore, both Cannon-Brookes and Farquhar are vocal advocates for sustainability and climate change action. Cannon-Brookes, in particular, has been at the forefront of renewable energy initiatives in Australia and has invested in several green technology startups.

Their commitment to corporate philanthropy is also noteworthy. The establishment of the Atlassian Foundation in 2015, which pledges to donate 1% of profit, equity, product, and employee time to charitable causes, showcases their vision of utilizing tech for the greater good.

Mike Cannon-Brookes and Scott Farquhar’s journey, from university mates to helming one of the world’s most influential tech enterprises, is an inspiration. They have not only redefined the parameters of success in the tech industry but have also underscored the importance of ethical entrepreneurship and global responsibility.

2. Melanie Perkins, Cliff Obrecht, and Cameron Adams

Founders of Canva

founder of canva

Melanie Perkins, alongside her then-boyfriend Cliff Obrecht, first dabbled in the entrepreneurial realm while still university students in Perth. Their initial venture, Fusion Books, allowed students to design and print personalized yearbooks. The success of this project was the stepping stone to a much grander vision.

Evolution from a University Project to a Global Platform:

In 2012, Perkins and Obrecht took their idea to the next level. Recognizing the potential of simplifying design for a broader audience, they teamed up with former Google engineer Cameron Adams. Together, they launched Canva—a web-based platform that democratized design.

What made Canva revolutionary was its user-friendly interface. It allowed even novices to craft beautiful designs without any prior experience, effectively turning complicated design tasks into a series of simple drag-and-drop actions.

The trio’s vision wasn’t just restricted to individual users. Over the years, Canva expanded its platform to cater to businesses, educators, and professionals. With tools like Canva Pro and Canva for Enterprise, the platform has effectively catered to a wide range of design needs.

Recognition and Awards:

The global tech community quickly recognized Canva’s potential. By 2020, Canva was valued at over $6 billion, cementing its place as one of the few Australian tech unicorns.

Beyond its impressive valuations, Canva has been showered with numerous accolades:

In 2019, Canva was named the winner of the Best Website & App and Most Innovative Company categories by the Australian Financial Review.

Melanie Perkins, with her innovative leadership, made it to the Forbes‘ list of the world’s top young innovators.

Canva’s commitment to user-centric design has earned it awards from design-centric platforms and publications across the globe.

However, more than the awards and recognition, Canva’s true achievement lies in its commitment to making design accessible to everyone. Perkins once remarked that their goal was to empower the entire world to design, and looking at Canva’s trajectory, it seems they are well on their way.

3. Daniel Petre

Co-founder of AirTree Ventures

Co-founder of AirTree Ventures

Daniel Petre’s journey in the tech world is a mix of corporate leadership and entrepreneurial fervor. Before delving into the world of venture capital, Petre held significant positions in global tech giants, including a stint as a Director at Microsoft, where he reported directly to Bill Gates. His experiences in the corporate tech arena would later shape his approach to fostering innovation in Australia’s startup ecosystem.

Co-founding AirTree Ventures:

Recognizing the potential of Australia’s emerging tech scene and the need for venture capital to fuel its growth, Petre co-founded AirTree Ventures in 2014 with Craig Blair. Their aim was clear: to support the next generation of Australian and Kiwi tech entrepreneurs. Unlike many other venture capital firms, AirTree Ventures adopted a hands-on approach, working closely with startups to provide mentorship, strategic guidance, and, of course, capital.

AirTree Ventures quickly grew in prominence and has since backed numerous successful startups. The portfolio is diverse, ranging from fintech to healthcare and edtech, showcasing Petre’s and the firm’s belief in the broad potential of technology to drive innovation across sectors.

4. Kate Morris

Founder of Adore Beauty

Founder of Adore Beauty

Kate Morris’s story stands as an embodiment of entrepreneurial determination and foresight. With a mere $12,000 of personal savings and operating out of her garage, Kate embarked on a journey in 1999 that would eventually revolutionize the beauty shopping experience in Australia.

Adore Beauty: Pioneering E-commerce in Beauty


When Kate founded Adore Beauty, the concept of buying beauty products online was almost unheard of in Australia. Her vision was clear: to break away from the intimidating environment of department store beauty counters and create a more inclusive, accessible online space where everyone could explore and buy beauty products at their own pace.

Over time, Adore Beauty expanded its range, offering products from both globally renowned and local boutique brands. The platform’s emphasis on detailed product information, customer reviews, and video tutorials made beauty shopping more transparent and educational for consumers.

5. Ruslan Kogan

Founder of Kogan.com

Ruslan Kogan’s narrative is one of resilience, innovation, and a keen business acumen. Immigrating to Australia from Belarus at a young age, Kogan began his e-commerce journey from his parent’s garage in 2006. With limited capital but an insatiable drive, he identified a niche in the consumer electronics market and decided to capitalize on it.

Kogan.com: Revolutionizing E-commerce in Australia:


At the inception of Kogan.com, Ruslan’s vision was clear: to provide Australians with high-quality electronics at affordable prices. By bypassing traditional supply chains, collaborating directly with manufacturers, and operating online, Kogan.com was able to undercut established competitors on price without compromising on quality.

The success of this model was indicative of a larger shift in the Australian retail landscape. Consumers were becoming more comfortable with online shopping, and Kogan was right at the forefront, pushing the boundaries of what e-commerce could achieve.

Top 7 challenges faced by these entrepreneurs

Australia’s tech and digital entrepreneurs, despite their successes, faced a unique set of challenges that shaped their journey. Drawing from the profiles of Mike Cannon-Brookes, Scott Farquhar, Melanie Perkins, Cliff Obrecht, Cameron Adams, Daniel Petre, Kate Morris, and Ruslan Kogan, we can identify several common challenges:

1. Access to Capital:


Especially in the early stages, securing funding in Australia was challenging. Historically, the Australian venture capital scene was less robust than places like Silicon Valley.

Ruslan Kogan and Kate Morris, for instance, started their businesses with personal savings, highlighting the challenge of accessing early-stage funding.

2. Market Size and Global Expansion:


The Australian market is relatively smaller compared to the US or Europe. Entrepreneurs had to think globally early on to achieve scale. This meant navigating new regulatory environments, cultural differences, and logistical challenges.

3. Talent Recruitment and Retention:


As the tech ecosystem was still evolving, finding and retaining top-tier tech talent in Australia posed a challenge. Companies like Atlassian and Canva had to create attractive workplace cultures and benefits to retain top talent and often scout globally.

4. Regulatory Environment:


Entrepreneurs had to navigate a regulatory environment that was not always conducive to rapid innovation and scale. Different industries, like e-commerce or fintech, faced their unique set of regulatory challenges.

5. Competition and Market Saturation:


While starting in a nascent market offered first-mover advantages, it also meant that once the viability of a sector was proven, it quickly became saturated. Entrepreneurs had to cons

6. Public Perception and Trust:


Building trust in new digital platforms was crucial. For instance, convincing consumers to buy beauty products or electronics online or to use a new software platform required significant efforts in branding, customer service, and quality assurance.

7. Scaling Challenges:


Transitioning from a startup to a larger organization brought challenges related to organizational structure, culture, and processes. While these challenges were significant, they also presented opportunities. The ability of these entrepreneurs to navigate these obstacles was instrumental in their success and in shaping the Australian digital and tech landscape.

Today’s unprecedented human progress offers immense opportunities for leaders and entrepreneurs to succeed.Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal, achieved by having a fulfilling idea and making consistent progress towards it, regardless of setbacks.Tech entrepreneurs achieve financial success by solving society’s unsolved problems at scale, with money being a byproduct of providing value to others. To succeed as a tech entrepreneur, think big, solve real-world problems, and start small by educating yourself and taking action.

6 Tips on Being a Successful Entrepreneur

1. “Yes, We Can” Mindset

Traditional business strategies often emphasize sticking to core competencies and saying “no” to anything outside that scope. However, entrepreneurs like Arnold Correia, founder of Atmo Digital, thrive by embracing opportunities outside their comfort zones. Arnold reinvented his business multiple times by saying “yes” to customer requests that pushed him beyond his expertise. This mindset of adaptability and willingness to explore new avenues is crucial for entrepreneurial success.

2. Problem-First, Not Product-First Logic

In big companies, the focus is often on products—endless iterations and variations to create something “new.” Entrepreneurs, however, prioritize solving problems over product tweaks. Jonathan Thorne, for instance, developed a non-stick surgical forceps to address a specific problem surgeons faced. His focus on solving a real issue, rather than just creating another product, led to the growth of a successful business.

3. Think Narrow, Not Broad

While big companies aim for large target markets, entrepreneurs often succeed by focusing on narrow, specific markets. Phil Knight and Bill Bowerman, the founders of Nike, started by solving a problem faced by elite distance runners. Their focus on a narrow market allowed them to develop specialized products that eventually led to Nike’s global success.

4. Asking for the Cash and Riding the Float

Big companies have the luxury of abundant cash flow, but for entrepreneurs, cash is the lifeblood of their ventures. Elon Musk, for example, pre-sold Tesla Roadsters to generate the funds needed to start production. By securing cash upfront, Musk ensured the financial stability of Tesla during its critical early stages.

5. Beg, Borrow, But Don’t Steal

Entrepreneurs often succeed by creatively leveraging existing resources. Tristram and Rebecca Mayhew, founders of Go Ape, built a successful treetop adventure business by borrowing assets like trees and parking lots from the UK Forestry Commission. Their innovative approach allowed them to scale their business without the need for significant capital investment.

6. Don’t Ask for Permission

Entrepreneurs like Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp, founders of Uber, didn’t wait for regulatory approval to launch their disruptive service. They understood that if they had asked for permission, they would likely have been denied. While I don’t endorse unethical behavior, the principle of forging ahead in the face of ambiguous regulations is often necessary for innovation.


Lessons for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

philosophy of starting small yet dreaming big. Many of these luminaries commenced with limited resources, often in humble settings. However, what set them apart was the audacity of their vision and the resilience in their approach. It’s evident that adaptability forms the backbone of lasting ventures. In the ever-evolving landscape of tech and digital domains, the ability to embrace change, pivot when necessary, and stay ahead of trends is paramount.

Coupled with adaptability is an acute understanding of one’s market. Recognizing the desires, habits, and pain points of the target audience can significantly influence product development and business strategies. A strong, inclusive company culture, much like what companies such as Atlassian and Canva uphold, serves as a magnet for talent and a catalyst for innovation.

While securing funding is vital, it’s prudent for budding entrepreneurs to realize that how they leverage these funds is more crucial than the mere acquisition. In essence, the fusion of customer-centricity with continuous learning, the balance of ambition with adaptability, and the blend of vision with pragmatism can be the guiding compass for those aspiring to make their mark in the entrepreneurial realm. Additionally, seeking professional web development services can streamline online presence and enhance market reach.

Azeez Bijin April 24, 2023